Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Ever Happened To The Palin E-Mail Brouhaha?

By Robert Wiles

Okay, so Sarah Palin's e-mails were released to the public a few months ago, but as far as I'm concerned, there's more here than meets the eye. Since we have seen her e-mails, I also want to see her recipes because I want to know if she is feeding her family healthy food. After all, this is of national importance, you know! Our Nation's defense might be at stake by having a First Family that suffers from malnutrition. Heaven forbid! I want to know if Sarah does the cooking or if it's really Grandma Palin or Grandma Heath. This is important stuff that we need to know folks, we can't be turning a blind eye and pretend that it doesn't exist! Who runs the kitchen, Sarah or Grandma? I know about these kind of things because my grandma ruled the kitchen and that's where I acquired a "sweet tooth" and everything anti-healthy. Yeah, I remember grandma would bake that chocolate pie and waive it under my nose like an evil imp who had that "gotcha" look on her face. Darn it! I want to know who rules the roost in Palin's kitchen. Sarah Palin, I demand that you release your recipes!

Also, I want Sarah to release her list of music videos, favorite stores and her movie collection. I want her to release a list of all the shoes that she owns, her fourth grade transcripts (you know fourth grade is a critical time in one's life), a list of every cartoon she's ever watched since the age of five and the way she hangs her toilet paper (over the top or coming under.)I want to know if she chews Spearmint or Doublemint gum. Does she drink her tea sweetened or unsweetened? Does she use sour cream or butter on her baked potato? Does she drink out of the carton or use a glass? Does she like cream styled corn on her mashed potatoes and does she mix her food on her plate? And to keep it short, I want to know if Sarah sleeps with the fan on or does she need complete silence? So, we got the stinkin' e-mails, but we can't stop there. For the love of this Country, we must not stop there! Oh yeah, does Sarah let her sneezes out or does she hold them in. It's a must that we find out!

Yes, all this is as ridiculous as the releasing of Gov. Palin's e-mails. Sometimes I wonder, does the liberal media have a life or do they have built in energy packs that are programed to make them act like idiots? Well, it appears that the media has once again played into Sarah's "Lucy and the football" and have landed flat on their back. Check out this video:

I tend to wonder if this reporter still has his job at CNN? He must have not understood the "smear at all costs" rule. You can read another article regarding Palin's e-mail here.Our media is a three ringed circus, plain and simple. Their hate for Sarah Palin is unending. They chased her around the East Coast during her bus tour, then complained that she made them run red lights and didn't give them bathroom breaks. Well, bring a porta potty! She controls the narrative and the media has not yet recognized it. They're too busy wanting their "potty breaks." No, the media will not defeat Sarah Palin because she has already won. She has won the hearts of many Americans because we can identify with her. We are Sarah Palin. I, truly don't understand the "I love Sarah, BUT..." crowd. What I'd like to ask these "But heads" is, are you willing to be zombies and allow the media to pick your candidate for you? If that's the case, America is in worst shape than I thought. When an American is not willing stand up for a fellow American, who has been standing up for you, truly are a butt head. Don't whine when your Country goes to hell in a hand basket because you helped get it there.

Americans, if we want control of our Country, we're going to have to back someone who is in Control; Sarah Palin. In the past we have complained about our lives, our Country, our politicians, but when we have the chance to change the narrative, we're afraid to get into the drivers seat. Many would rather be the "backseat driver" and pretend that they are in control. It's a place where one can complain; yet, still play it safe. It takes hard work to bring about positive change, but some would rather remain in the shadow of those they complain about. Are you driving the car or is the car driving you? If your answer is the latter, then it would be best to sit and wait for your unemployment check and continue to whine about how bad the politicians and media are, BUT...please keep it to yourself, I'm tired of the whining.

Robert Wiles.

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