By Robert Wiles
What do I see in Sarah Palin, I see not only a politician, I see something more unique and that being Sarah is Americana, a Patriot, someone who believes in the moral fabric and values of this Country which from It's birth became the beacon of freedom upon this planet we call Earth. A hope for all people to see that we as individuals, people have a right to live free with liberties that shall never be confiscated by man. That being said, Sarah is the enemy of the state for to live as a free people, you must have a moral code of ethics, a code of values, a code of character and a code of laws to live within a culture. Our Forefathers saw to that, they saw that liberties and freedoms must have that ethical fiber to maintain a culture of humanity to live in harmony and to survive. Even quoting John Adams, our 3rd President of these United States and one who very much was a voice of our Declaration of Independence concluded
"“ The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principals of christianity… I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”
• “[July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.”In today's climate, quotes as those will most likely never be heard in our educational classrooms, and because of that, this is why I perceive this is the reason Sarah Palin is being damned by the Left and the lame stream media. To me what we see happening within the political spectrum within this country is minute to what is actually happening. This is not politics, this is the survival of our culture. That is why I see only one who I feel can lead the fight for the survival of the American culture which was founded upon the moral principles of our Forefathers. As I see it, the rhetoric over Sarah's political qualifications is over, she is qualified, she is fit, enough said. The debate on the negatives of Sarah's political qualifications was a front for something else and that being Sarah's driving force in securing and promoting the values and moral code of this country. Sarah is not only in this for political reasons, she sees and knows what has to be done politically to hold this Country together, but she also sees that the preservation of our values is a must to keep this country from collapsing. This is why the left, progressives, liberals and the lame stream media hate Sarah. We are not just talking that they dislike her, we are talking about a pure HATRED for her that I even have never seen before in my years of living.
For being a conservative/republican can not to this day blame President Obama and the left for the chaos in this country. I can not to this day blame the lame stream media for this rampant disregard for American values. I to this day have to blame US. I say that because the election in 2008 did not bring this country down per se, this country was being brought down for decades and in 2008, a very climatic moment took place because of the past few decades. Why do I say that? I say that because decades ago, that war upon our culture was taking place, that battle to change was being slowly but surely in it's planning stages to infiltrate our culture as we once knew it. This was not done overnight, this was not done under President Obama, Pelosi , Reid or under the premise of a controlled democratic house. The left saw it, they knew how to accomplish it and they knew the apathy of America. Case in point, our educational system, the left knew to change a culture, you have to teach it slowly but surely. The left knew the birth of a culture has to be learned by the young, the future, the ones who not not know the true meaning of the philosophy of their culture as of yet, there has to be a code of values. Abraham Lincoln knew this as well when he stated "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Those words today have so much meaning behind them, we see it thru out the land today. We have an educational system today, guided upon politically correctness (another tool of the Left and LSM), we see the changing of history, we have an educational process that teaches personal views other then facts, we see the teachings of an agenda, the agenda of the left. To teach lies to an audience that are young and are not talk history, you teach a philosophy of falsehoods that become culture of lies. To change a culture, you must change the moral code of society and to change that code, you preach to the young and have them learn, morality is a word of no value. It even bothers me where I see today, our children hear and learn more about men like Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez then then our own Forefathers. I look around this nation and I see their are educational systems who now want to teach to our pre-teens, the concept of sex, masturbation, sexual positions and that responsibility is not a word of value, but a word of misconception.
The changing of our philosophy within our educational system was the biggest attack upon our culture, but also the most important. This is where we learn about our society, the history of it, the wealth of it. Yes, we have our bible studies, our churches, but in today's world, our school systems are where we send our young almost every day. The schools today have become the teachings of all aspects of life to our young. We must also remember, who we call the lame stream media were also taught from our educational process. We have to know where they even came from, because they to were that generation as well that Abraham Lincoln stated. The left knew the schools was the entity that had to be controlled and as they worked their philosophy into the schools, what did we do...NOTHING. We saw it, but we didn't think it was a big deal, we just laid back, enjoyed our BBQs, our sports, our TVs and never really imagined the consequences of what might come from all of this. The apathy the left knew about. The Left knew as well, to change law, to change the philosophy of law, one must control the people of the law and that being the judges. The left has made a very big mark in putting that philosophy behind the bench that they see is a necessity in changing not law of the land, but the moral fabric of ethics and values that our principles of the founding of this country. The left knew where to go, they knew they needed to teach their philosophy to the young, they knew that philosophy would also be learned within the minds of the future media, they knew to change a law, you change the philosophy of the bench. Lets look at our society as we see it today, our culture is being attacked on every front. We see the attacks on marriage, the family, the unborn, on our faith, on our free speech, basically every value that we saw founded and given to us upon the birth of this nation. We have all seen the major attacks upon our faith and to me to change a culture to a philosophy which has no moral code, you do not change religion, you crush religion. That we have seen for years and today, we see everything that our Forefathers fought for being slowly but surely diluted to nothing but the piece of paper The Constitution was written on. This is why I blame us, for all this was coming, we saw it coming, we knew it was coming and we did nothing to stop it. I look at the philosophy of what we call politically correctness, I ask myself, where did this come from? I ask myself, how does this new philosophy have so much power from a minority that teaches it? When I say minority, we are not talking races, we are talking a minority of people with a certain philosophy that now has become the culture of America. Again, the left saw the apathy and knew that with apathy, you can push anything onto the people. I remember one day when I read that schools were banning the children's game of TAG, I asked myself "WHAT". I even asked a few people that i associate with and the answer I got back from them told me everything I needed to know about how the Left knew that apathy would be the product in pushing their philosophy in changing the culture of America. I asked my friends, what did they think about schools banning TAG. The reply I got from everyone I asked..."AH, its no big deal, its trivial, to small of of an issue to be concerned about". Then I knew we are in big trouble. That has been our problem for all these decades, we always were waiting for that big fire storm, that issue to just make us boil where we MIGHT take issue with. The Left as with the schools and all the other areas of society that in pushing a philosophy you do not start a fire storm, you start a spark here and there and soon, those sparks will be a firestorm. We see that today. Apathy destroyed up, not president Obama and the Left.
Writing all that, I now introduce Sarah Palin, because she, to the Left is the firefighter who is engaging to put out that firestorm which we helped create. As I stated earlier, the mocking of Sarah's qualifications, her lack of intelligence was only a front to this. The Left and the lame stream media know that Sarah has what it takes to be president or someone who is a formidable foe when comes to politics, They believe in her as much as i do, they know she is one to take seriously. They just hide the fact because they have to destroy her, not for her political prowess, but because of her stance on the culture of America. I have stated in other articles I have written, you do not give the time of day to someone who is not qualified and stupid. You do not attack the one who is not all those things unless they are. You do not waste your time in trying to destroy someone if the do not scare you, you attack the ones who do scare you. Guess what, they only attack her, that says something. Yes, Sarah Palin must be destroyed by the left and the lame stream media because of one issue..the American culture. I look at both the Left and lame stream media and it amuses me that they are in a frenzy over Sarah Palin. I sit here and I imagine when they wake up in the morning, they see Sarah when they look into the bathroom mirror, I imagine them seeing Sarah in their rear view mirror when they drive, I imagine them seeing Sarah as they walk along and look behind them, I imagine them seeing Sarah's face at the bottom of the glass they just drank out of, I imagine them having nightmares of Sarah and wake with a sweat. I have never seen ANYONE in my life who has controlled an entity of the left and lame stream media as Sarah. All the hits she has taken for us, all the punches, the lies, the mocking. All the personal attacks her family has taken all for us. Sarah has bled for us, she has given us a voice and that voice being we the people have values, principles, ethics and something called morality. As I have said before, she has many detractors on our side who refuse to see the total picture of Sarah. I just say, if they were in Sarah's shoes, would they still be standing..I DOUBT IT. They on the left and in the lame stream media call her extreme. Why is that, lets see, Sarah has a faith in God, she believes in life of the unborn, she believes in America, the constitution, the individual rights of liberties and freedoms of the people, in believing in the Bill of Rights she deeply believes in the 2nd amendment and states rights, she believes in capitalism, she believes in controlling of borders. she believes in marriage and the family. Because of those believes, they call her extreme. Well, I guess I am extreme too as many of us are. I am proud to be in her company then. Though in all those beliefs, we see the WHY in why the left and media want to destroy Sarah. All her beliefs can be summed up into one thing...THE AMERICAN CULTURE. We have seen the left and Main Stream Media want to destroy all those beliefs. We have seen hits taken by individuals or groups who believe in God, we have seen by the Left and main Stream Media the mocking of God, the mocking of the family, the mocking of marriage. We have seen to them, the constitution is basically meaningless when comes to law. We have even heard comments made form representatives in our government from the left that the government has the power to do anything they want and the constitution means nothing. We have seen the warfare started upon capitalism from the left and lame stream media just in the the promotion of distaste for the rich from other sectors within society who have not quite pushed themselves to make it as others. Since even bringing that up, we see another tactic of the Left, start the discord between classes of people and races. In today's society the left has pushed the idea, if you have money, if you do well, you made all your wealth on false pretenses. We now today see the redistribution of wealth. We have see the rampant warfare on races issues become more prevalent today. We have seen the throwing of words as racism from the left for one reason, in believing in principles and laws, you are a racist. We see that in the framework of our immigration policy.
We have seen Sarah come out at the very beginning to lead this fight. Some in our own Party have to, but it doesn't seem sincere as Sarah and that says a lot. Sarah has that connection in where there is that difference to her and others. We see Sarah as one of us, we see the fisherman, we see the dirty hands, we see the clothes of a working person, the comb back hair of someone who lives through her own values of living that just doesn't have another to do it for her, but one who takes it on herself. We need a leader that can show us both ways within this country, a leader to lead us down a path of people first concept within the realm of politics, someone who wants to lead this country with a strength of principles and liberties but also one who can also lead by example in promoting the values of this country. This country was founded upon a code of principles and values, this country thru It's conception became the greatest of the greatest when it came to freedoms and liberties and those freedoms and liberties became the force in which we live thru a foundation of principles and values. Sarah has brought all this forward, she preaches about who we are, how we were founded. Her persona is not as a politician, her persona is that of person as you and I. She is not of the Elite class, she is of the class of decency in demanding the people come first in a society that survives upon freedoms. Sarah has been attacked within her own party, she has be maligned within her own Party as well, but she has been maligned more by the left as well, WHY..? because she believes in me. She looks at me as someone, not a pawn on a chess board as the elites do. To destroy Sarah, they destroy me as well, they destroy us, this Nation. The left and the lame stream media see a force in Sarah that is interfering with their perception of who I should be and how I should live, that being within their realm of what and how I should think. Sarah has given me a voice as all of us, she believes in the thinking of our Forefathers, she believes in how this country was born, to the left, the culture must be changed because to have a culture of principles and values, a people have a say and they do not want a people to be a part of their realm, unless they are controlled. This is why the Left and lame stream media do need to destroy Sarah at any cost. They have seen from the day she was introduced, a ground swell from within this Country to where she captured a people who believe also in the values of this Country. Ones who believe deeply in our Constitution, ones who believe in our Forefathers and their beliefs in how to preserve this Nation with a Constitution that lives upon a moral code of ethical laws and values. Sarah Palin has awoken this Nation. This is battle for American values and principles. Are there other politicians smarter then Sarah..yes there are, just in the case of President Reagan. However, we have seen what the intellect can do to a nation, now it is time for common sense. Sarah has the qualifications, she has the brains, but one thing she has that others do not have...she has INSPIRATION. We swarmed to President Reagan for the same reason. I at times truly feel this is the final conflict for the battle within our country for which way we will go with our culture. The culture can survive without politicians, but the culture can not survive without principles and values of a moral code of ethics. Sarah Palin must be destroyed by the Left and lame stream media. Another quote from Abraham Lincoln which best describes where we are at today in America "A house divided against itself cannot stand". To me the foundation of our house is Sarah Palin, now it depends on us the people in how we want to build it. Sarah is doing more for us then we know, she has her detractors that to me do not see the total picture. Sarah is standing tall for us and as I have believed, the left and lame stream media have more faith in Sarah and more respect in her then many on our side do. You do not try to crucify and destroy someone you do not have faith in knowing that they are who they are. To destroy someone as they are with Sarah, you have to have respect for them because you do not destroy another that is nothing to you unless you see the truth in that person. The left and lame stream media have told us time and time again who they fear, who they know can block their control of the culture and who can lead this nation back to where it once was. Sarah Palin is the Left's worst nightmare, she is the roadblock that they never saw might happen in their world of control. As even during the Reagan years, there were smarter politicians , but as during the Reagan years, was there one who was more then just a politicians but also a person who had a faith more in the people as Reagan. Sarah is that one as well as was president Reagan. All I know is this, Sarah Palin is one who is not just capable of being a great politician, but also one who will be a great leader in making us as Americans believe in ourselves again. This is not just about politics, this is also about our culture. We the people have to decide we want a Country to live under the rule of Ferret, have our liberties stolen from us or a Mama Grizzly, who will protect the liberties of her cubs...!!!!!
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