Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God Is Answering Our Prayers, Now We Only Need To Believe

by Robert Wiles

Recently in remembering a blog that I read about a month ago, I sat down and read that blog again that was posted from Tennessee4Palin, which outlined what I and many believe right now. You can read that blog here.
Yes, right now, for many within this Country, we need much more because we have been seeing a decline in much of what America has stood for from the day of its birth to the present where we are seeing a decline, not just in an economy, but a decline in who we are as a people.
I have watched our educational system decline into the abyss of darkness when comes to knowledge, I have seen our flag burned and shredded, I have seen our morals decline to where the act of responsibility is not prevalent anymore, the act of demeaning one’s soul is now the role model to live by. We have seen a decline in our values and principles.
We no longer live within the means of self esteem, we live through the mind set of self destruction. We do not value who we are, we value who we want to be without ambition and motivation. We once remember in decades past the preaching from the Left that God is dead, now today the Left do not want to preach anymore, they want God gone and be dead. Our kids are being taught that sex is the only option in life, a life that holds no one to responsibility when comes to being responsible for a life.
We see schools teaching sex education to 5th graders or even lower, and yet we get all hysterical over our politicians who exploit sex as well in many ways, but lets face it, this Nation has lost that moral code when comes to defining one’s self portrait as an honorable being. We have been told that we deserve more then we have now, not because we lack self determination and that drive for success, but we have been kept down by the over achievers who have that drive to better their lives. We are told we are racists, we are told we are delusional when flying our flags, saying our Pledge of Allegiance and praying to our God.
We are told we are fascist redneck hicks of hell when we hold the second amendment close to our bosoms. We are told we are too extreme when we grasp onto the United States Constitution and say that this document is the greatest act in defining freedom and liberty for a people. This is why at times I have to tell myself, a great economy brings wealth to a people and gives them a life of prosperity, but within a great economy, if not one of moral, values and principles, that prosperity is meaningless if there is no ethical code for civility within one’s heart.
Yes, today we are seeing many problems within this Country, but would we be where we are today if we had more wealth within our hearts and understanding that we as individuals are the answer to greatness, not a Government of men who deem that the only answer to harmony is through programs of division between a people. Yes, we have seen our leaders preach racism, we the people are told who to love and hate, we the people are told who is a friend and who is a foe.
We are told to be blameless and blame the other, we are told to not live by an aggression of ambition, but through an aggression of anger to one’s who have that ambition. We as a people are told we are weak and can not succumb to intellect within our own minds, but need to be taught intellect from the minds who speak to us as paupers. We listen to they, the ones who lead us, but in following, we have been led into the abyss of destruction.
Yes, in today’s climate, we are told to hate, we are told to distrust, we are told to obey, and as we do, we then live a life of not grace, but a life of turmoil which only they tell us they know the answers, but in following them, the answers were lies of corruption and deceit. We as a Nation have been corrupted, not by a people, but by our leaders who tell us we are corrupted because we can not judge for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. We have been led, and and are still following that path they set for us, and this path is not taking us to the World of OZ, but to the World of GOG. This Country is dying and yet many say we are over reacting, yet I say, if we are, then why are my neighbors fearing life is over not as in living, but as in living free.
This is why I truly believe 2012 is the time that we as a Nation and people will determine our fate. To help this Nation in understanding its economic woes, we have to understand who we are as a people when comes to one’s heart. We need to understand that a great economy doesn’t make a great nation, a great nation survives not on goods of prosperity, but survives within the goods of a people’s heart and understanding in who they are.
Yes, we have a great path to take if we want to survive, we in 2012 have a decision to make in which path we want to take. We can sit here and condemn the actions of politicians when comes to sexual scandals or any means of dishonor. We can sit here and condemn the media as NBC during the United States Golf Open, when in their prelude to the golfing championship, they eluded to not stating the words “Under God” when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. We can sit here and condemn the outright vile of hatred thrown at people within society. We can sit here and condemn the damnation of our God and we can sit here and condemn the corruption of the masses who say they are watching out for us. Until we decide which is more important in our future, then we have nothing to condemn if we don’t realize, politics is not the answer, the vision of an ethical moral society is the only answer.
We are told time and time again, we need to compromise with the left. We are told time and time again, we are to extreme in our visions and must compromise by not being to far right. If we accept that being to far right is believing in God, the unborn, the family, the Constitution, the second amendment, state’s rights, mom and dad, marriage between a man and woman, lower taxes, less government, and an individual is capable of being all they can be, then we have nothing to stand on in condemning anything or any actions.
If we compromise our values and principles, then I guess we just showed we value nothing. I believe in Sarah Palin because I see someone who is standing for her values and principles. I see a woman who values her faith and will not compromise when comes to her God. We have watched the attacks on Sarah for 3 years now from all sides. We have watched and watched and heard the name calling, the damnation of Sarah by both parties, the elites, media, talking pundits and many from our own side, and as I listen, I hear one thing from Sarah and that being “God owns my soul, not you”. We must remember, once we did compromise and still compromising today and one day we will have to answer to the one’s we compromised. This quote says it all “Ive noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born.” – Ronald Reagan
Yes, we need a political leader in 2012, and lets remember what we have seen just lately. Of all the lies the lame stream media has been portraying Sarah Palin as, we can see now as well how wrong they have always been when they were so much hoping for a public to just damn her for living. We have seen the full assault by the Left concerning Sarah, the vicious attacks of not disagreement, but the attacks and condemnation of pure hatred. The vile of evil in condemning the soul of another, not because she is so far out of it, but the hatred is directed to her God, her stand on her values and principles.
I can not and will not compromise my inner soul, and will not run away from who I am, as we on the right have done in the past. Sarah Palin stands firm on who she is, what she believes in. Sarah Palin is not afraid to speak out and confirm her values to others, she will not run away as we have in the past and they all can not stand seeing her standing face to face with them and saying..”I will not run away and hide”. Yes, the Left, Democrats, Media, Elites and even many in our own party hate seeing this woman hold her line when comes to her values and principles. Now, we need to follow her example and let them all know, we believe in ourselves as well, and today, we will not hide anymore.
It is quite funny when I look at many of the groups who support the Democratic Party and the Left in general. We can just mention one group and that being the Communist Party, and yet I am being told to COMPROMISE with the other side. No thank you….I will stand with Sarah Palin, one who leads and will not back down. So once again, I will not compromise, especially with a side that even supports rhetoric as this.
If I compromise to this kind of behavior, then why even live in a world that deems you compromise your soul to just survive. As with Sarah, my soul is not an option when comes to compromising. Many will say I am reaching, but if I am, ask yourself this. Would a great economy kept NBC from deleting the words “Under God” from the Pledge of Alliagence, would a great economy stop the vile hatred from the Left when comes to being a member of the Tea Party, would a great economy prevent our schools from classifying our ForeFathers as evil men, and would a great economy prevent my 2nd amendment rights always being attacked.
We can go on and on, but one thing that I feel that is happening, is our economy broken, or was it tampered with? To answer that question, ask yourself, can you survive on your own merit, or do you now need to survive on a Government who now controls who you are. An economy can survive with individual freedoms and liberties, but losing one’s identity in those freedoms and liberties, you lose your path in identifying who you are and then we heel just like a dog to our master, the Government.
Yes, God controls my identity and as with Sarah Palin, I am not afraid in being who I am anymore and that being a God fearing, prolifer who believes in the concepts of principles when comes to family, marriage, the Constitution, less Government, lower taxes and individual freedoms. Yes America, they all hate you as they do Sarah, because of one reason…you are YOU and they do not want anybody to stand tall anymore and fight for who they are.
My values and principles are off the table when comes to compromising, and by the way, maybe, just maybe if we stood by our values and principles which made this Country great, we might be living in more harmony today then hearing the rhetoric of wishing other’s deaths. Good versus evil, lets quit playing games and realize what is at stake, 2012 is the final countdown. Now it only depends what you as an individual wants in be controlled or control yourself in who you are. So yes, thats why I believe in Sarah Palin, because she knows who I am, I am hated just as much because as with her, I won’t back down anymore in who I am … an individual who believes in the human spirit and thy spirits control society’s destiny, not a government of men who play with destiny as in acting as God!

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