Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sarah Palin Is Real, Not Cosmetic

By Robert Wiles

As I watched past events lately and even over the last years, watching Sarah during her trip to Pella, Iowa for the premier of The Undefeated, I saw a human being. When I watched Sarah and Bristol signing books at the Mall of America in Minnesota, I saw my neighbor, I saw my mom, my co workers … I saw YOU America.
As I have always kept an eye on Sarah, for she is the one I believe in when we are talking about 2012, I watch her appearances at social events, gatherings, interviews on TV and I see … I see YOU America.
As I watch her movements and interactions with others, I see a face, a face of humanity who cares not just about herself, but cares about you, about us out here in the heartland of America. I see a face that laughs, that smiles, that communicates with others in not wanting others to just like her or even love her, but for her she wants us to feel that we are not just a vote, we are more then a vote, we are people who stand along side her, not below her as we feel so many times with our leaders in Washington D.C.
I watch Sarah and I feel she knows me, she knows you, she rather socialize with us the people then the politicians and elites of this Country. To me that’s what I feel we need, we need someone who rather socialize with the people, one who adores being among the people rather then one who as you look at and shake their hands, you feel as though they wash their hands after they shake yours because you are lower then they, and for them its a chore to be among us the people.
I see a human face with Sarah, not one of cosmetic as I see with so many other politicians. I see Sarah as one who rather talk about you and see how you are doing, rather then ask for your vote and under her breath curse your being because you are not in her class as I feel with so many others within the political spectrum. I see Sarah as talking to us, not above us. I watch and see Sarah just flow when with the people, one you would want to spend time with, one that you would enjoy her company just being amidst her.
As I watch other politicians, I notice that it seems they are always stuck in the mode of politics, and talking to one of us is a strain upon them because to be among the people, they seem that they feel like they lowered their being in being among the lower class of humans which many of the elites, plus the media feel when among us paupers. I want someone real, someone who wants to know who you are and what you think instead of one who is nothing but a vote.
As I watch and listen to politician, I always hear …”I WILL do this and do that.” Come on now, show me some respect, at least say I will try, but don’t be adamant and make me believe a vote for you is a change because you will do it. I guess that’s what I like about Sarah, she says “WE NEED to do this and that, which to me is a vision, not a promise like so many that they have no way in dealing with. I want a vision, not unkempt promises.
I still have to ask Americans, really think about why so many hate Sarah, and they are not the people. Yes, the Leftist supporters will despise her because she is of the other Party, but when I say THEY hate her, look at the ones who do. THEY are of one class, the elites, who when they show displeasure with Sarah, its not just Sarah they have displeasure with, its YOU. We can debate all day long about Sarah’s policies. Yes, you can disagree with or accept, but one thing that we the people need to accept is the contempt that THEY have against Sarah.
It’s you they hold contempt for America, it’s you the ordinary person who lives among the people, eat together, shop together, work together and so on. You truly believe that THEY want you around?
Do you really think THEY would love to sit down with you and laugh, have a drink, a hot dog and have them accidently drop mustard on their shirt and not panic. I want someone who is real, someone who would not panic, but laugh about spilling mustard on their blouse, someone who would sit and talk with you, not to get your opinion so to muster a vote, but to listen to your opinion when comes to your life and wants to know you, who you are, your family, your friends and neighbors, not to have tour vote, but to interact with you AMERICA.
We have seen over the last three years how THEY have gone after Sarah, how they have lied about her, damned her, blamed her even in conspiring in murders in Arizona. We recently heard about the rhetoric of Sarah’s comments concerning Paul Revere, and how the media went after her comments in trying to once again make Sarah look incompetent.
As I watched this one video of FOX contributor Liz Trotta bashing Sarah for her Paul Revere remarks, I could see Ms. Trotta not just bashing Sarah, but I saw a face of disgust, one that to me is of the elite status and ones who just seems by just looking watching her, I saw the resentment of Sarah, resentment that as with other Sarah bashers they have contempt for Sarah for even being born and it doesn’t end there. I saw more resentment and that being resentment for the people of America .
You can watch that video here. As I watched and as I have stated many times in the past before, we again have seen how THEY will say anything about Sarah because they do realize, many within society do live by just sound bites and will not search for the truth. So for the truth, we have a few stories here that show the true colors of Liz Trotta and the elites.
Historians Agree Palin Was Right
Palin Was Accurate on Paul Revere
L.A. Times Confirms Sarah Was Right
We also have to remember this story as well concerning Sarah, the media and the elites, again the attack dogs were out in full force and once again the dogs were shown their own stupidity. Well, as we see, people as elitist Liz Trotta will not tell you what the historians have to say about Sarah’s remarks, because if they do, Sarah wins, and the elites or THEY can not have that. What tells me more about things like this is what we need to realize, THEY, to themselves are the historians which they are not, but THEY will tell you what they want you to hear because THEY are above you, and it be a cold day in hell before THEY accept you into their inner circle. We have to realize, the elites despise Sarah for one reason, that reason being YOU are Sarah.
We even saw the circus with the e-mails up in Alaska. The elites were wishing so much that something or many things would make Sarah look just like what they portray her as…a stupid hick who is unworthy to even be classified as a human being. Well, as we saw and heard, but if you heard, it didn’t come from the elites, the e-mails showed an astonishing Governor of Alaska. An astonishing achiever who cared about the people of Alaska and who showed much honor and character in her governorship. Not many heard about this from the media and elites, but after three years of portraying Sarah as one stupid act, this happened to surface and even this the elites hated because to them, only THEY have the intelligence to run things within this Country.
Writing Analysts Claim Palin Writes at 8th Grade Level
So once again, we have to realize that Sarah is being attacked to hold us down, not just her. The Left hates her because she knows that we need to walk a straighter path when comes to honor and accept once again our values and principles which made this Country great. This past 4th of July we celebrated 235 years of birth of our Country, have we Americans ever asked ourselves how in just 235 years America became the greatest, most powerful, wealthiest Nation ever. Have we ever wondered why with other Nations who have been around for thousand of years, America after being a free Nation for 235 years became the beckon of hope, the land of the free. After 235 years since our birth with freedom, we as a Nation has become the leader of the free world, when disaster happens anywhere in the world, there we are to help.
When others need our help from tyrants, dictators, any form of oppression, we were there to help, because we knew how worthy freedom was, how worthy the human species is when comes to living free. We as a Nation has led in so many areas as technology, medicine, industry, and for the common good of mankind. That was not because of a government, that was because the government was bound by the people, a free people who achieved the greatness of this Nation thru over achievement, desire, character, honor and morality.
The people made us free, gave us liberties because freedoms gave mankind the initiative to not be held down by a ruling government, but because the government was ruled by the masses. Sarah knows that, Sarah knows we the people who made this Country great, the free will granted to us from God, not by man. Sarah Palin knows that the values and principles that began in the birth of this Country is slowly faltering and we need that vision again. Sarah realizes that the hope in survival for a people to be free and able to transcend to the greatness within has to be led not by a government, but led by visions of hope with the guidance of morality, values and principles. Yes, they deplore Sarah and will never stop attacking her because Sarah is America, Sarah is of the people, Sarah is something, Sarah is of a human face, not one of cosmetic. THEY hate that because Sarah is of a human face and spirit within, THEY hate it because Sarah is of us and that is being REAL, not COSMETIC!

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