Monday, August 1, 2011

I Deeply Admire Rush Limbaugh, But He Was Wrong. We Have Always Been Sarah Palin!!

By Robert Wiles

Well, first of all, I am a ditto head, I have been an admirer of Rush Limbaugh when I first learned about him some 20 years ago and always listened as much as I could of him on the radio. Last week, Rush made a statement concerning an article written by William Yeomans of Politico in which Mr. Yeomans classified the tea party as full blown terrorists for their part in this debate concerning the debt ceiling crisis Rush after reading that article stated something very intriguing, but for me I took issue with it because what he said was something that has been happening since Sarah Palin came onto the scene some 3 years ago. Rush stated that the left now are attacking us, the American people who are also part of the tea party as they have always attacked Sarah. According to Rush's statement "We are all Sarah Palin now" Not here to slam Rush or anything like that, and as I listen to Rush quite a bit, one thing he does do and that is promote Sarah in a very strong fashion. I guess what that statement did for me was irk me in a way, not against Rush per se, but against us all because for me, we are not Sarah Palin now, we ALWAYS have been. To add as well, to honor Rush, have to say also, we have ALWAYS been Rush. The statement that we are now Sarah Palin just didn't set me off, it just made me realize that something I have been preaching since I started blogging about Sarah, and that is I have been right in my scenario concerning the hatred for Sarah by the left, both parties and the lame stream media is not just against her per se, but its the cause that she stands for. I remember realizing a few years ago I needed to get more involved in this phenomenon which concerned Sarah Palin. When she was first introduced on the national scene as Senator John McCain's running mate for 2008, I became a strong supporter for her, and like many, it wasn't Senator John McCain I was fighting for, it was Sarah Palin. I remember deciding to start blogging for Sarah, I focused on one thing that caught my eye concerning the vile thrown at Sarah and that was, Sarah was not being damned for who she was, she was being damned for her cause and vision, and that vision is what we have always had, but never had one to lead us as a Sarah Palin. She was being damned because of her following, a people who was hearing a voice of common sense, a voice preaching values and principles, a voice who lived through her God, a voice who valued the unborn, a voice who believed in the constitution of America. Sarah amassed a following, a great following and to me, the people who were following were just as hated as Sarah. Sarah became a voice for us, a leader that even Rush himself has been for decades. However Sarah became more then just a voice for us, she became an icon for us in conveying who we really are, a people who were lost and disorganized. We watched as Sarah stepped forward and we saw one who took a punch and countered with her own, we saw someone in Sarah who wouldn't flinch when attacked and held her ground. We grabbed onto Sarah not because of just her political philosophies, we grabbed onto her being, her values, her persona, her faith. I remember my first blog that I wrote over a year ago , in this blog I was seeing more into Sarah Palin then what I felt many were seeing. All the Sarah bashers were not bashing Sarah, they were bashing the followers of Sarah, and to stop the followers, they had to stop the voice, the leader of a movement which scared the hell out of them. Yes, we have always been Sarah Palin, as I mentioned in that blog, what Sarah was to me and others was more then just a politician, she was my banker, my mechanic, my school teacher, my barber, the small business owner, my neighbor, my fellow church goers, she was you and me. Sarah was us as much as we were Sarah.
For these last few years we have heard all the vile come from the mouths of the left, lame stream media, talking pundits, both parties concerning Sarah, and that vile has always been directed to us as well. As I saw it and said before, the attacks against Sarah were not against her personally, they were attacks against her cause, a cause in which values and principles were needed to keep a people in harmony, to cherish the spirit of life thru a God, to know how precious life is, which means life is of beauty, not of death as we have seen for so many which we call the unborn. Sarah knows that individual freedom is an essence needed to convey the meaning and wisdom of life, to be free and share the beauty of living within the realm others. From day one they wanted to destroy not just Sarah the voice, but also the cause she was standing for. We saw the books, the articles, the bashing of not just her, but even her family by every outlet you could think of. We saw wishing of death upon her, we saw the blaming of her as being the mastermind behind the shooting incident in Arizona. As we saw them go after her family, we can not forget the vulgar attacks directed at her son trig who has Downs Syndrome. I look back and these attacks for many would say were not worth the fight, the attacks on Trig should had been enough for Sarah to just go back to Alaska and say it is not worth it to see my family crucified in such a way. For me that told me a lot about Sarah, who she is and her stance on her convictions. The haters wanted Sarah to just go away, why they kept on attacking her from every direction, but Sarah's fortitude in standing up against these attacks showed me one thing, that there are causes that are worth fighting for and these causes are even more important then we as individuals.
We have been Sarah from day one, and this is why they need to destroy Sarah Palin. The cause she is fighting for is for the salvation of America, even though we see the attacks even on Trig and her family, Sarah knows herself that this cause is much more important then just one person, this cause is for you, I and all the Trig's around this land. Yes, as we see the debating going on concerning the debt crisis, we are now seeing the actual hate that is not just for Sarah, but the hate that has always been there for us as well. The voice we follow will not falter, now the followers are game and the haters are hoping we will falter instead. I always look back and ask myself, what if our side of the aisle would had swarmed altogether in support of her. I look at that for one reason, as we have seen for years, Sarah Palin has dictated the talking points from every entity you can imagine. What she says on facebook is national news, what she says on her tweeter feed is national news, where she goes is news, anything she does is news. Sarah has controlled entities like the media as no other. She has controlled the political furor for years and for one who is still a private citizen today, she controls the political spectrum of today. Many of us are hoping that Sarah will announce her candidacy for a presidential run in 2012, and if she does, the coverage for that announcement will be infamous like no other coverage of any event in which we have seen. That is the control Sarah has, that is the fear they all have for Sarah, but again that fear is against us the people. That's why I look back and ask myself, only if our side would had swarmed totally around one who they fear more then any other. To me that was a great opportunity the right missed, an opportunity to take the offense like at no other time. As we look at today, we still play defense, yes, we are showing some offense as in winning a great number in the 2010 election, but i wonder where we be if the one they fear had a following of such a magnitude that President Obama and the left wouldn't be free to do as they please, but seeing the fear of a following of millions upon millions. I can bet you that fear of a people would had been carved within their minds, and all the policies this regime has passed wouldn't had been so easy if they saw that fear of such a following with Sarah. I look back and remember years ago when schools were banning the play ground game of tag. I asked many about this and was disturbed in hearing the replies, those replies told me a lot "Its no big deal, to small of a thing to worry about", and that was the day I told myself, we are in trouble. Our side has laid back so long, we have lost so much because as I have heard from many in the past, "America is to big to fail and to free to lose it". Well, as I look at things today, we can say we won in 2010, but as we look at it, we are in a debt crisis today, the left still controls much of the political spectrum, the liberal media still has a strong handle on talking points, we have lost our schools, political correctness controls much of our lives, the government has grown, we have seen the decline in marriage, we have seen a decline in values and morality, we still see the hatred directed at our faiths, we still hear the rhetoric directed at us of racism, we have things like Obamacare shoved down our throats, we see the EPA acting as a dictatorship, the dollar is falling, unemployment is rising, bankruptcy is spiraling, more Americans are on food stamps then any other time, and banks keep on folding. We have to realize more then we ever did, they don't hate Sarah, they hate her cause, they hate our cause and that being they hate our faith, they hate our values and principles when comes to marriage, the family, the unborn, and morality. It will never change, the left will always blame us no matter what, the liberal media will always push to compromise with the democrats and the liberal media will always make sure to pit American against each other. We need to realize that we can compromise with the left in everything and that will still not be welcomed by the left, they want you totally convicted to their side and philosophy. We will always be hated and until we see the true fight here within America, we will lose more ways then one. We won't just lose within philosophies of the political field, we will lose more then that, we will lose who we are as an individual. This is a war, and until we figure it out, the damnation of our souls will always be deemed by the left. We are not Sarah Palin now, we always have been.
So for me, we should had known this years ago, even the decades prior to Sarah when we had Rush. Yes, knowing it now is better then never realizing it all, but if we acted upon it then and took action, would we be in the shape we are today. I do have to say once again, there are causes that mean more then just us as individuals, Sarah knows it and that is why she will not run and hide, even seeing the attacks on her family. To save a country and souls is worth fighting for, the cause in which Sarah and we are fighting is more worthy then an individual, this is a cause to see who we are as a people. We also have recently been told we are not just terrorists, but Hobbits as well because of our actions concerning this crisis debate , okay then, I have been called every name you can think of, so let it be, I'll accept whatever I am called and if that is because of my beliefs, then hate me, but you can never change me, as they have seen they can't change Sarah either. Sarah holds her values and principles so dearly as we do, that is why we have always been Sarah Palin. Us Hobbits have our own Sam and her name is Sarah. Sarah knows that this battle is worth fighting for and she knows this is a cause to hold on to and never back down from. She knew this always and so have we, that is why we have ALWAYS been Sarah Palin, we just needed that strong voice, that strong leadership, and that strong woman....!!!!!!
Robert Wiles

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