Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sarah's Reply.....Nuts!

By Robert Wiles

On December 16th, 1944, the Germans launched their largest offensive of the war on the Western Front. The primary goals in this offensive was to drive a wedge between the American and British armies and to capture the Belgian port of Antwerp. For many, we have heard the phrase "Battle of the Bulge", well this was it. One of the main reasons that this offensive failed was the strong resistance of American forces on the southern shoulder of the Bulge, a town called Bastogne. The Allies realized it's importance and General Eisenhower dispathed the 101st Airborne Division to hold the town at all costs. During this battle, the Germans held siege upon Bastonge and requested that the American forces surrender, and in that request they did recieve a reply from Division Commander General Tony McAuliffe. That one word reply became infamous in the chronicles of American history. General McAuliffe wrote that word to be taken to the German delegation that was being detained at the command post. That one word was "NUTS" and as translated by one of the Americans to the Germans in case they didn't know what NUTS meant in English, the translation given was "Go to hell". Well, after weeks of fierce fighting, reinforcements finally came and Bastonge was held by the American forces. The bravery of the 101st Airborne Division in holding Bastonge under extreme circumstances resulted in the first full Army Division Presidental Distinguished Unit Citation. To read about the whole battle of Bastogne and what transpired, you can read it here .

Yes, a division who was overwhelmed by the odds held on under extreme circumstances not because they out numbered the Germans, because they didn't, they held on for one reason, they knew what freedom meant. They were as of the Allies, they knew that the spirit and soul of humankind can only survive under the principles of a person living within the realm of liberty and freedom. Why do I mention this episode concerning the history of our Country, WELL, how many of us have ever said "NUTS". I know of one and she has been saying "NUTS" for 3 years now. Yes, going back to when Sarah Palin was introduced as Senator John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin has been dragged thru hell and high water. From that day, Sarah has been attacked, her family, her values and principles. Many times so many out there have basically asked Sarah to give it up, surrender you can say. We have heard from those talking pundits, the elites, members of both parties, the news media and the left that Sarah should bow out, she shouldn't run, she is treading in waters that she can not handle and so on. We have had many who have told Sarah she needs to make a decision, she needs to do it this date, that date, she needs to enter the debates because if not now, she is toast. We have heard from all these professional politicians that she needs to listen to them, she can't do it, she doesn't have the polished rhetoric of a Harvard grad, she doesn't have the thick skin that one needs to be in the world of politics. They want an answer from her and they want it now, the funny thing being she has answered them for 3 years now and they all have yet understood her reply. Yes, the one they want to see surrender and just wave that white flag has answered and she still holds her place within the realm of the political/cultural world. The left, news media, both parties and the elites of this country see Bastonge in Sarah because she is in their way. She stands between them and their political and cultural prowess of victory which they so desire. They have been attacking Sarah for years and they as well have seen the reinforcements coming to aide Sarah and that is the people. Sarah's conviction, honor and strength has held the line for we the people of this country, NOW it is time we say NUTS and support the one who once again gave us life within the Conservative/Republican movement.

Yes Conservative/Republicans where were we 3 years ago? How did we feel about our future? How did it feel when we felt all was loss? Maybe, we learned more then we know from the likes of Sarah Palin. Maybe we realized if we would had said NUTS decades ago we might not be in the shape we are today within this country. If we had said NUTS in the past we might still have our schools still, no Political Correctness. Maybe we still might be seeing Mother's Day being celebrated in our schools, maybe children might still enjoy playing that game of tag on the playground, maybe conservatives as a Rush Limbaugh might be part of the NFL. The celebration of Christmas in schools might be abounding within the school systems if only we had said NUTS in the past. Maybe we'll be seeing more unborn enjoying the fruits of life, maybe we be seeing intelligent design taught in our schools along the side of evolution, maybe even abstinence would be taught along the side of sex education as well. Maybe we might hear our sons and daughters be able to say God during graduation without repercussions, maybe the word God might not be vanishing from this Country's history as well. Yes, only if we knew the word NUTS back then and even today as well. Maybe today we might not even hear the words "redistribution of wealth" or even see actions as this being carried out by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg . Only if we stood tall and had the strength in saying that word NUTS, we might not be fighting for the survival of our country. I look at all what Sarah has given us and the sad thing is, many supporters can't even say that word and stand beside her. Many can't support her in every way they can after she alone gave us what our side needed today and that was the fight we need for survival. We Conservative/Republicans have been attacked relentlessly over the past as in our faith as well, we have been scorned, we have been damned to hell and we have been maligned as no other. Sarah Palin comes along and takes all the heat for us, takes all the scorn for us and yet many of us can't even trust her or have faith in her to watch and see what she will do. She has even made us a promise in announcing what she will do no later then September and yet many can't wait. She has protected us for 3 years by taking all the blows for us and yet many can't give her a few months to make a promised decision. So many believe she needs to be part of the Republican Presidential Debates, yet they do not realize even in not being part of those debates, Sarah has some strong numbers and is within the mix. For 3 years we have believed in her, watched her grow, saw how she stood up for us and now many can't give her a day, a week or even a month.

For me, whatever Sarah does is fine with me. For me, I have watched and listened to Sarah for these past few years and I have seen because of her, our side has new life. As I have watched, there is something else I have seen with Sarah, that being there is more to all of this then just politics. This is a cultural battle most of all. For 3 years I have seen her reply to their wanting her to surrender, give it up and just walk away. For 3 years I have seen Sarah holding our base together. For 3 years I have seen her hold that command I call Bastonge. Yes, in reality 1944 in the holding of the town Bastonge, Belgium, this was a very pivotal battle in stopping the Germans from their last big thrust to hold onto their empire that they saw was slowly diminishing by the efforts of the Allies. That was war and in retrospect if we don't think we have our own Bastonge here in the United States, you are wrong. Our Bastonge is not a town, but a vision, a culture, a way of life as in liberties and freedoms. The left and others see that and they know there is one standing in their way who is fighting to see the American culture stay solid within the realm of liberty and freedom for a people. She holds the values and principles of America high, she has shown that she will not surrender within those beliefs and she will not wave that white flag for the people she fights for. Yes, some will say I am overreaching, but I say to them, I never thought in my wildest dreams that the childhood game of tag would be looked upon as evil and I never thought the day would come where we would have a mayor who decides that clergy will not participate in the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

I for one am glad Sarah has said NUTS to all the nay sayers out there these last 3 years who wanted her to surrender and give it up. I am glad Sarah has made her voice heard for me, we the people. Maybe she will announce, maybe not, but whatever she does, she will not be silent in the following years and neither will I. As for me in wanting to know if I will abandon Sarah in any decision she makes and throw in the white flag .......I say "NUTS", and if you need a translation I'll be glad to express it...............!!!!!!!!
Robert Wiles

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Mom Raised A What??

By Robert Wiles

I remember back in 1994 a movie that came out which was directed by Oliver Stone called "Natural Born Killers", starring Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis. Both these characters were depicted as two victims of traumatized childhoods who become lovers and psychopathic serial murderers irresponsibly glorified by the mass media. Well, many out there in America watched this movie not knowing that this movie which they thought was fiction, was actually a film of my life. Yes, I am that Natural Born Killer and I have a message to all of you...I AM NOT ALONE. Yes America, as you have heard from many, I am that Natural Born Tea Party Killer. As you can hear from some of the wisest, I am your enemy, that big bad wolf......I am your nightmare , and there is more , and my favorite depicting of me is this . However, how can we not forget from the wisest of them all, he just didn't deem us as just natural born killers, we are natural born TERRORISTS as well according to Vice President Joe Biden . Yes America, all this talk about me and my cohorts are true, we have heard we are the sickest group of people on the planet, more hated then Al Qaeda, Hamas, and even the infamous Charlie Manson. Many might not know about Charlie Manson, but he was a cult leader in the 1960's who became infamous in organizing a cult that became news concerning the horrific crime of the Tate-LaBianca murders. I bring him up because again there is another among us who has been damned, who has been depicted as one of evil as well in leading a cult of mindless natural born tea party terrorist Hobbits. Yes, now we have even transcended into the mean evil satanic Hobbit. Though this person is not of the male gender, this person is even worse......this person is a WOMAN.

Yes, my mom and dad failed me in life, as many parents did to many others as well. How could my parents even think about showing me that there is a loving God? What would even make them deem that loving thy neighbor was a worthy tool to know and learn in life? Telling me that life is the most precious entity in this world is beyond me. Just telling me that the unborn is of value, is the most beautiful vision to behold when comes to mankind. Knowing that these visions that I was taught would turn me into such a cold blooded killer is beyond me. I look back and remember the evil that was fed into my blood when I heard my mom let it be known that living a life of believing in yourself and others will always bring you comfort in the eyes of the Lord. It didn't even stop there ether, the talk about learning is an essence of life because knowledge is knowing the truth through wisdom, while despair comes from not attempting to learn at all. The pains that I had to go through as so many others, as in being taught that one can soar to the mountain tops when have desires that are of motivation , but will fall into the deepest ravine when seeks to be motivated by emptiness. I never could understand my up bringing, how my parents would have the audacity to preach to me that freedom is a God given right, not a right given by man. I can go on and on, as in remembering that to be all you can be is within your spirit, your soul, your being, not through wishes and hopes that die because you lack fulfillment to succeed.

While growing up, I was taught that being an American was to be proud because the flag that waved upon the land was of freedoms and liberties. I was taught to cherish and obey the laws that were conceived within the United States Constitution, to respect the people who live upon a land that is of hope. I was taught that a nation survives because of a good people, and a good nation will fall when ran by evil people. I was taught that people are the foundation of a great nation when they have freedoms to think, and can accomplish their goals through free enterprise. I was taught when individual freedom is taken away from a people and a people are forbidden to think freely and to act freely, a nation will fall because when no freedom, you have no vision of hope of salvation. Yes America, the values I was taught were founded upon the principles of a God, the unborn, a government of the people, by the people, for the people. I learned that a smaller government is one of people, a bigger government is one of chains binding a people.

Yes, I was taught how to hate when growing up, so were many others. I was taught the responsibilities of parents, I was taught there is a place in life for a mom and a dad. I was taught that to gain respect, you must give it. I was taught never to expect love, just love no matter what. I was even told a family is a foundation not of sand but of solid rock that will never wither under the brunt of a storm. I was told to love others for who they are, never judge others who are not as yourself.
The lies that I was told when I was young were so abundant, guess me and others have to just 'Oh well". Yes, we live those values today, we believe in them and if I and others are deemed as "Natural Born Tea Party Killers"..... so be it. It wasn't my fault, it wasn't what I wanted, it was my mom's fault, it was my dad's fault, it was because of global warming, it was because of the Arab Spring, it was Sarah Palin's fault.................OH HELL, it was BUSH'S FAULT....!!!!!

Robert Wiles

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Ask For Nothing, I Expect Nothing, I Believe In Sarah And That's All I Need!!

Lately I have been watching a storm which is brewing, and that storm has been cast upon us by none other then ones who want to see Sarah Palin fall in her ranking as the people's candidate. I am not going to get in all the details about who said this and who said that, but it does seem that there are some forces who just would love to see Sarah stumble. For 3 years we have been seeing this concerning Sarah, many want to see her out of the picture. I have been watching and hearing a lot of rhetoric concerning September 3rd. As we know, Sarah will be in Iowa speaking to the Tea Party on that day, and now we are seeing a story that is unfolding within the news media and blogosphere being will she or won't she. Oh we are hearing from Karl Rove, Dick Morris, the news media, event organizers within the Tea Party that this is going to be the day Sarah announces that she will run for president of the United States. We also hear this isn't the day from some and they even go on in saying she won't ever announce that she is running, and that as well is a ploy to have Sarah's supporters run away from her. Mark Levin has his take on what's going on and he doesn't hold back. Mr. Levin says Sarah will announce, but not September 3rd, he also sets the record straight in why this frenzy concerning the 3rd, he also says why this is taking place as he does mention there is a ploy behind all this . Concerning Karl Rove, we can't forget this statement either concerning the tease factor that Mr. Rove so much wants Americans to know concerning Sarah's decision. In this clip you will see at the end his candid remark . To me all this is a set up to hurt Sarah and bring her support down, that's all it is, now it is time to show faith in Sarah and our solidarity for her.

Well, we see what's going on and as for me there is only one reason we are seeing this, its called FEAR. All we have to do is look back in these past 3 years and just study the entities that so much wanted to see Sarah stumble and fall. The lame stream media, The RINOs, the left, the establishment, the elites, and Hollywood to name a few of the distracters of Sarah wanted to see Sarah trounced by their hoofs because they can not stand Sarah Palin, for she is not of them, she is of us the people. Yes, again they see a chance to take Sarah down, and they want to disrupt the timing of Sarah in making a decision, they want her followers to feel like they are being teased as Karl Rove said. They want to start a battle within the inner circle of the supporters of Sarah Palin for this might be their last chance to crush this woman, so they are running with it and badgering the air waves as well as the blogosphere in hoping to finally put a stop to their nightmare that has been keeping them up for 3 years.

Well, enough said about that, I do have another concern and that being there might be some or even quite a few that might go along with this scenario that Sarah might be a tease, and she might be playing us the people as fools and will never announce. I say STOP it if you even think that, STOP it if you even remotely believe that. Oh yes, as I go around and see what is happening within the Sarah Palin community as on Faceboook, articles through out the news media and the blogosphere, I do see many posts and articles that for quite some time now are getting leary of what she might do. I have seen many losing patience and many are just ecstatic thinking Sarah might announce September 3rd in Iowa. I do fear that some might be heartbroken if she doesn't announce then, and I say to them...... who out there has lifted your spirits more then any other. Who out there has given you a serenity of hope, a feeling of knowing you are somebody, a person of strength, a person of wisdom, a person who is worthy. I remember 3 years ago what I felt, I remember thinking it is was all over, I remember feeling as if we have no hope anymore, I remember hearing many on my side say it doesn't matter who we vote for because neither is of quality, I remember feeling the times were upon us that only God could save us and then I remember God did save us because in a woman he gave us life once again in believing we are somebody to behold. Yes, I remember that day Senator John McCain announced his running mate. I remember that day when not even knowing who she was, I was ecstatic and didn't even know why. I remember watching and learning about this woman and seeing this woman was my mom, my neighbor, my grocer, my bank teller, my friend, my niece, my being. I remember following Sarah and seeing her conforming not to them but to us the people. I remember listening to Sarah and discovered she cared about us as a person, not a vote. I remember watching the liberal media attack Sarah for her beliefs, values and principles and noticed that I as well have those beliefs and knew they were attacking me as well. I remember Sarah standing tall for not herself, but for us. I remember watching Sarah stand proud and show strength in the times of despair when being attacked. I remember Sarah never backing down as when attacked and moving forward with such grace. I watch when Sarah holds a gathering and I see the smiles, I see the warmth of the people as they surround Sarah. I watch and see how Sarah worships the people who she is among and talks to them as human beings, not ones who are below her. I listen as she talks to others and I hear and see the compassion for the people, who they are, the conversing concerning their lives not hers. I remember how many times they called her stupid, unworthy to be near them. I always listened to the mocking of her and realized that mocking was directed to me but she was the one who endured it for me. I remember the times of joy we felt because we saw the visions of Sarah and they were of a pride in nhonoring us. This woman and her family has gone thru hell for us and I'll be damned if I am going to walk away from her. As far as I am concerned, Sarah put her life through hell so I wouldn't have to live it.

For 3 years I have watched how the liberal media, the RINOs, the left, establishment, the elites and Hollywood crucify this woman. I watched as she stood up to them, not standing up to them for herself, but for ME, for US. I watched her family go through hell, I watched her son Trig be humiliated and damned. I watched as they wished death upon her and the family. I listened to lies, to accusations of Sarah being a mastermind for the shooting in Arizona. I read books and articles damning her soul. I watched as they ridiculed and mocked her for her speech, her outfits, her hair style, her unconventional ways in being herself. I listened and read the names they called Sarah, every disgusting name you could call a woman. I watched as she shed a tear at the Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally and I saw a woman of faith, honor, character and dignity. I followed Sarah and felt a love for who I am, for all of us. Lets not forget this as well, for 3 years now I have felt that I am worthy as a citizen of this country, not as a vote, but as one who is the backbone, the foundation in making this county great.

Yes, Sarah has no fear from me, whatever she does is fine with me and lets also not forget this either. For 3 years we have been behind Sarah, for 3 years we have said to ourselves "Sarah is who we need to lead this country, Sarah is a true leader of faith, values, principles, honor, character and dignity". So for me I have to say, if we trust and believe so deeply in her as being the one that is the only one that can save us, can't we believe in her as well in knowing what she does and when she does it will also be done with faith, character, honor and dignity as well.
Robert Wiles

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Supporters Of The Left, Even Your Leaders Think You Are Clueless!

Recently I saw 2 different stories and as I listened I even had to ask myself, there can't be anything such as intelligent design because the things I heard were of outright stupidity, I will have to say the evolution of stupidity is very real however. In reading and hearing these 2 stories, my first thought was does the left deem their followers are clueless and too stupid to see this story was basically a scam in hoping the stupidity of the followers would believe crap like this. More then that though, supporters of the left are programmed to follow, not think for themselves. The first story that caught my eye concerned the remarks of Governor Perry that were taken out of context. As most are probably aware by now republican presidential nominee Rick Perry in giving a speech while campaigning at the Iowa State Fair made a reference of a big black cloud hovering over America. That big black cloud that Perry was referencing to was the huge debt this country has mustered. Well, of course The pundits of the left as usual up to their dirty old tricks had to voice their summation concerning Perry's words. As we saw first with MSNBC's Ed Schultz as you can see here , Mr. Schultz saw an opportunity and he ran with it, he saw an opening to make Governor Perry out to be one big racist SOB, and as we know the leftists in this country love touting our side as being just racists who have no conscience whatsoever in humanity when comes to the Afro-American community. As we witnessed, Ed Schultz once again took the Governor's speech out of context by deleting the comments of what that black cloud was in reference to. Mr. Schultz in his delight proclaimed that black cloud as being a racist comment concerning President Obama. The truth will always be hidden by the left because they want more in this battle which is going within our country, they want total victory, not just a political win. Their goal is domination over the whole spectrum of the populous within America and that being the culture that lives upon the land as well. However, we can say that not everyone was in line with Mr. Schultz's display concerning the black cloud comment. Jon Stewart in his own comical way does make the point in showing how Ed Schultz does come across as a race baiter . However, we can't just hold Ed Schultz as the only hypocrite in conveying those remarks by Governor Perry...enter Rev. Al Sharpton . Yes, the charges of racism are caste upon the people with swiftness everyday from the left. This was not just against Governor Perry, this charge of racism was against everybody who is not of the left. I also noticed one thing as well, I didn't hear from anybody within the Democratic Party in criticizing these charges caste upon the Governor. Isn't the Democratic Party the party of civility ?
My second story that troubled me were comments made by none other then actress and leftist activist Janeane Garofalo on Current TV's Keith Olbermann's Countdown. You can see that story here . Yes as with her and the left, an Afro-America as a Hermann Cain is not true to his race, people as Herman Cain are sell outs. As she mentioned about Mr. Cain, he was bought to help the GOP have cover in knowing that now they have an Afro-American who can criticize President Obama and not be known as White Supremacists as the left tries to make us out to be. Yes, to them any Afro-American who is not of the left is a sell out, an Uncle Tom, an Aunt Jemima or just a plain traitor to their race. What really got my attention though were the words Janeane spoke “Because anytime I see a person of color or a female in the Republican Party or the conservative movement or the Tea Party, I wonder how they could be trying to curry with the oppressors.” People of color ?, I always thought to the left, people were people, not touted because of their heritage, OR MAYBE, that is what they want Americans to believe, but in essence you are not a person unless you agree and believe in their philosophy. As I listened to Ms. Garofalo, I sensed a control factor and that being for the Afro-American community. That control factor being people of color is just only that, they are distinguished by the color of their skin and nothing more. I sensed a dehumanizing fear that the Afro-American community DARE NOT think on their own, they follow and nothing more. If one is of conservative beliefs they are not Afro-American. They are demeaning souls who are of a mindless people who are corrupt because they dare to break the code of being silence and use their God given right to free will. Yes, that is what the left believes when comes to one of Afro-American heritage. How dare they think on their own and use their God given talent to be an individual of humanity and not be one who is only of color. For decades the left has secured the Afro-American vote and for decades if one of the Afro-American race does not side with them, they are casted into the abyss of hell because they dare think in their own realm of life's choices when comes to living. The hatred for conservative blacks and conservative women is profound within the leftist community. As we have seen the name calling directed at black conservatives, conservative women are damned as much with names that are not of a human soul.
For decades we have seen the assault from the left against Conservative/Republicans in promoting that the left and Democrats are not of racism, but the Conservative/Republicans of this world transcended from the racist culture. In these 3 articles you can read the history of the Democratic Party and their philosophy when it came to racism within America . Most I am sure do not know the history of the Democratic Party and many I am sure do not know that racism was conceived by the Party they believe is of salvation. Today we see the race card thrown so many times from the left at Conservative/Republicans its as being surrounded by a violent a storm and the lightening just won't cease. We also have seen many comments directed at the Tea Party as being a mob of racists and nothing more. Oh yes, the Tea Party are not just racists, now they are terrorists as well as we heard recently from the left during the debt ceiling debate. It is not of debate anymore today, its charges of racism from the left and that all, nothing more. The left can not win on debate so they throw charges of racism into the frey of the political and cultural debate, hoping it will stick with much of the populous. The Left knows as well with help from their media cohorts, much of the populous does live off sound bites and many do believe in those sound bites they hear. I guess we can say its a fear the left has for our side, its not just the race card they will throw at us, they will also throw the hate card, a card that demonizes us as being a people who live within the boundaries of hell and in more then being just racists, we are murderers, terrorists, and vampires that feed upon the blood of the living. We can't forget the attacks upon Governor Sarah Palin as in cases of the Arizona shooting when Sarah was damned to the abyss of hell as being the mastermind behind that shooting. The damnation of Conservative/Republicans and the Tea Party is like categorizing us as soldiers of Satan for being ones who want to kill, rape and destroy the land that we walk upon called America. Yes, the hatred grows rampant towards us within the community of the left, but mostly we have seen that hate become so abundant to our fellow conservatives within the Afro-American community as Hermain Cain, Congressman Col. Allen West of florida, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Condoleezza Rice, Walter E. Williams just to name a few. However, its not just hatred for the Afro-American community, its for their visions, their desire to be someone and not be led by another just because they are a seen as a token. It doesn't matter if you are Afro-American, Caucasian, Conservative, Republican, Libertarian, or of any race, you are dammed if you do not follow the philosophy of the left.
Yes, we all are hated by the left and here is the key. This philosophy of the left has been happening at the beginning of the century, but much of what we see today really took control during the 60's cultural revolution. The names of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Priven back in the 1960's were very prevalent names back then and today their work is basically the foundation of the leftist's agenda. Back in the 60's, Cloward and Piven who are known socialists came up with the conclusion and promoted it which today is known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. You can read more about this strategy here . Today we see not one or two crisis's in America, we are seeing that flood of demands. Capitalism and individual rights are being attacked here in America. In these attacks we have seen the philosophy from the left as in bringing down our economy, inducing clashes among races and the clashes between rich and poor. Today we are seeing much chaos here in America and also around the world. As I mentioned before, we have seen the promoting of racism from the left and in that, the leftist's strategy is strong in disrupting harmony in America. What we see today did not just happen, this has been planned for quite some time, and now we are seeing the deep repercussions, and in this I can't just blame the left, I have to blame our apathy in not fighting this philosophy when we saw it coming. For the left, the pushing of racism is one where the potential of a race war would supplement their agenda as they sit back and watch the crisis they determined was essential to help in the collapse of America. The philosophy of having a populous rely on the government is essential for the leftist's movement. To have a people lost in who they are and in search of salvation the people go to the ones who furnish them with goods. We can look at the Ed Schultz's and the Al Sharpton's of the left and we can see the promoting of desires in seeing the races clash and the potential of a race war. We as a society need to determine why the hatred towards us from a certain group, and before we can fight back we need to determine who they are. We always hear the words Democrat and Liberal thrown into the mix, but we must KNOW the left. For me Dennis Prager captures who the left is in these 2 articles . The left hates us for who we conservatives are, they hate our visions, they hate our beliefs, they hate the fact that we stand in the way of their Utopia which is complete domination of a society. Yes, that is why they need to destroy us conservatives and when we are gone, they will hunt down the Libertarians, Independents and Moderates with a wrath as of a firery inferno. The left has to proclaim that we are racists for they need to destroy us now, and hope much of the populous will agree that we are. The left knows that Conservative/Republicans stand in their way and if we fall, they win. The left needs to crucify the likes of a Sarah Palin, not because of her being, but because she has garnished a following that lives and has become strong in fighting the philosophy of the left. The left wants government control, they want a society of followers not to dream of a life of prosperity, but a following that never dreams but only follows. Big government is their answer, total domination is their way for a Utopia, a Utopia of power. That is why the attacks on conservatives as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party and others. That is why the attacks on Afro-Americans who follow their own visions and dreams. For some out there in America we hear we must compromise, to them I say I will not compromise to ones who wish me harm because I dream and live through my free will granted from God. Just looking at one scenario which the left deems is a must to follow and if you don't, your soul and being shall be cast into the pit of hell. We have seen the debate on global warming, we have seen the hatred cast onto the ones who have questions about it, and we have seen from the left a person does not question their philosophy on global warming or anything. The hatred grows and grows, the casting of racism onto a people who live within the realm of freedom will never cease until we know who we are up against and realize their goal for America. As I watch the Democrats, I have never seen or heard ones in that party stand up for the people who are called racists and terrorists. I have never heard one from that party say "Wait a minute, that was uncalled for in calling the people of the Tea Party terrorists", as we heard many call us during the debt ceiling debate, one being our Vice President.
The left knows that they have the Afro-American community on their side, they have a voting block in the Afro-American community. All I ask is for they to ask themselves, are you truly free or are you still a slave to not white America but to a group we call the left. Today unemployment is at 16% for Afro-Americans Ask Herman Cain that question of being free and I am sure he will tell you "I live for myself, not a group who calls me a people of color, I am a person, a human being". The left will attack anybody who lives for themselves and lives within a world of a faith. I even look back and have seen the dismantling of having God not be prevelant within our lives. I have seen how the left despise seeing God within America and the world. Today I have seen my question answered that I always asked and that being "What would happen if there was no God and humans controlled the destiny of the world". Today here in America we are seeing an economically collapse taking place, the dollar is falling, unemployment is rising, foreclosures are rising, more are on food stamps then ever before, our debt is enormous, banks are closing, people living in fear in not seeing any hope, the races of people are at war, the classes of society are at war, hatred for people is rising, mobs of youths terrifying the land with violence, we still are at war in many parts of the world. In the world we have seen much chaos, we have seen the nations of Europe collapsing financially, we have seen the Arab spring, we are seeing much blood shed within many countries, we are seeing riots and much more. Yes, America does have a racist path and still today we see racism, but not just white on black, we have many times have seen black on white. As we see today the violence among gangs of black youths who have been terrorizing communities just because of one thing..the victims are white. Yes, just making that comment is racism as far as the left is concerned, BUT, because of their suppression through the works of politically correctness in talking about racism, we now have seen a surge of racism. Racism will never die if the left has their way, so we can conclude one thing, the left desires to see a war among the races because that is another crisis which will destroy the harmony for a society that is needed to survive.
Yes America, many of us are hated, for what you ask, well its so simple and that being because we believe in who we are as a person and a people. We have free will, free thought and are being attacked because we believe in those God given traits bestowed upon us. For me personally, and I feel this deeply as well, because of one certain person the left is in panic mode. For one who believes in the people, who they are and what they bring to a society, Sarah Palin is attacked relentlessly by the left because the left knows she is our only hope. I say that because if Sarah Palin did not come along, where would we be now..? Would we had succumbed to the left, lost our will to fight back. Would we have lost our nation by now and just been tokens to the left and live under a rule of not law, but by a philosophy of hate that deems that one is not of God but of man's rule. Yes, the Tea Party is hated as well, but for me I look back and saw our side wake up the day Sarah was announced by Senator John McCain as his running mate for 2008. Lets be honest, the left was winning, they were close to their agenda and then someone comes along and stands up to the left as we see here in one of her many great speeches , but lets never forget, Sarah knows who the left is, the left knows who Sarah is. Why they hate Sarah and must destroy her, Sarah knows their game. The left was winning, somebody came along and told us the people of all races and classes we are somebody, and the hatred for Americans by the left became full force on the night of September 4th, 2008
Robert Wiles

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Game Begins When Sarah Palin Lights The Torch!

By Robert Wiles

Yes, as with the Olympic Games, they do not begin until that flame is ignited from the one who carries the torch. The games within America and basically around the world do not begin until that flame is ignited. The flame as of yet has not been lit, but we have seen for these last 3 years who carries that torch. We have seen over these last 3 years the following of that torch bearer, wherever she goes she is followed by her supporters, wherever she goes she is followed by the media, wherever she goes the one question is asked to the one who carries the torch. That question being, "when will you ignite that flame for the games to begin". Yes Americans, I talk about the one who is surrounded by all walks of life, that one being none other then Sarah Palin. Oh how much have we seen within these last 3 years the mystic of Sarah, the coverage of her. We have seen the contempt from the liberal media, democrats, progressives, liberals and left in hoping that this torch bearer would just drop that torch. We have seen within our own republican party and talking heads the contempt as well for Sarah and their displeasure in knowing that she has climbed the ladder to the top within their own party. We have seen the elites degrade her because of one simple reason and that being she is of the people, the paupers, the citizens of this country who just live to survive and are looked upon as just pawns on a chess board. Sarah has captured the hearts of many Americans, she has done something more then any other I have seen, she has become the icon for a culture of values and principles that many have recognized we need to relive so to make this country great once again.
Awhile back we saw Sarah begin a bus tour, we saw the frenzy from the media, we saw the mobs of people who wanted so much to just be in her presence. We saw the coverage that was like no other. We have seen the frenzy over Sarah's postings on her Facebook page and Twitter account by not just the liberal media, but from everybody. What Sarah writes is NEWS, what Sarah SPEAKS is a story to behold and what Sarah DOESN'T do is more worthy of news coverage then her even doing. Friday, August 12th at the Iowa State Fair we saw once again the drawing power of Sarah Palin. For months we have been reading stories of flash mob youths raising havoc across this country, we have seen violence rage within these mobs of youths and the emptiness of the human spirit. That Friday in Iowa, we saw another kind of flash mod and it wasn't violent, it wasn't empty of the human spirit, it was a mob of compassion, a mob of serenity, a mob that wanted to be among the one who captures the hearts of a people. These mobs of people who follow her is for a reason and that is puzzling to the power brokers of this country. They can't comprehend that she is one who we the people can relate to because she is one of us. Oh yes, we have seen our idols as in the athletic world, the music world and of Hollywood, but to many Americans there is a difference between Sarah Palin and those idols that are put on a pedestal. For the masses Sarah comes across in a way that the idols can't, she captures one's heart and not their worship. We have seen the few debates of the ones running for the republican nomination, and as in Iowa over this time period we saw another without Sarah since she hasn't made her intentions known. However, her presence was felt because of one thing, she carries that torch. Lets be honest, Sarah could pulled up outside the auditorium where the debate was being held and it would had emptied as if someone yelled fire. They would had all gone outside to see Sarah and leave the Republicans all alone, which even I might feel sorry for seeing them be deserted like that. Sarah appears at the Iowa fair and its a mad house, just because of one person, not even appearing in a debate all minds and television viewers are thinking one thing....will Sarah run. America's credit rating has been downgraded, we are over 9% when comes to unemployment, we have seen a collapse within the housing market, we see the dollar going south more and more as we live, banks are folding, we are seeing the wars between races and classes within America, we see wars through out the world between philosophies, we have seen the Arab spring, riots in Britain and violent flash mobs of youths here in America. All news stories, BUT, the story on every one's mind which is more important to everybody is what will Sarah do within her future. When she announces her intentions, the coverage will be like no other news event ever. Yes she has the drawing power, the leadership qualities and even more then that, she carries the torch. I have never seen this before, one person who has been thrown into the limelight and has been bestowed with the decisions on how and when a political battle will begin. Sarah never asked for all this fame, she was given it because of who she is, she has that connection, that inner spirit of values which so many feel. The story of the century will be when she announces and that says it all. This is as of a supernatural phenomenon, something that is so very rare in seeing. That rarity concerns how one person as Sarah who is neither an athlete or movie star icon can be so surrounded and admired by a mass of people and not be idolized per SE.
We have always heard from the lame stream media, both parties and the talking pundits that Sarah is not conventional, she isn't playing by the rules. We are always seeing the media and talking pundits question Sarah's unconventional ways in not announcing. We hear the pundits say it is to late, she has to now, she can't wait, what is she doing. Well, that is why we love her, she is doing it her way and not taking orders from the pundits of the elite class. The people love that in Sarah because the conventional way is not working anyways. The conventional rules that have been put in place by the elites have given us hardships as in seeing our country and the world on the brink of total collapse economically and culturally. Sarah goes about it her own way and the elites, the media and both parties hate seeing that in Sarah. They deplore Sarah for pushing their rules off to the side and play by her rules which is of common sense and principles of a people, not rules of an elite class that proclaim you live and do what we say. Yes, the people flock to Sarah because they have seen the many roadblocks the lame stream media and parties have thrown in her path. The people have seen the much hateful rhetoric thrown at Sarah and her family, the lies, the threats, the ire of anger in trying to trip Sarah as she carries that torch. The people have seen Sarah leap over those roadblocks and still run with a passion to see America and the people be free of a ruling class that rules the masses with a closed fist.
Yes Sarah Palin is you and I, one who believes we as a people stand on values and principles and in that she connects as no other. For the masses, they see Sarah's political being as secondary when comes to admiration for her values and principles. What the people see as their primary reason in admiring Sarah is so simple, they see themselves standing there. Yes, Sarah is the people's candidate, one who wants to know us rather then own us. I remember back in the 1970's there was also a period of time when Americans were captured by the presence of a being. That being was a horse called Secretariat. Now I am not putting Secretariat in the same category as a human being, but when it comes to sparking the human spirit, even an animal as a horse can give a people the mindset of serenity and happiness. When Secretariat came upon us then, we were living the horrors of the Vietnam war, we were experiencing the class warfare as well, the clash between not just races but also among the youth and the elderly, the clash between the people and the government. We also had Watergate upon us as well as the turmoil of the 60's cultural revolution. Back then the people needed hope, they needed to grasp onto an entity of comfort and strength to cure their lives. The people needed that spark once again within that human spirit, we were searching for purity and we saw it in Secretariat. Secretariat gave America that peace, that comfort, that identity within one's soul. Many today will ever know that feeling back then, many will say that is quite stupid knowing a horse could do that, but if one lived back then, they would know what I am talking about. America was lost back then and living in an abyss of darkness. Secretariat changed all that, he won the triple crown in 1972, and people actually cried seeing his victory in the Belmont that year to win it all. Secretariat was known as the people's horse, pictured on Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated. Secretariat was the only non human that was elected by ESPN in their top 100 athletes of the century. So I guess we can say Secretariat was human after all, not physically but emotionally. Yes, back then we were searching, back then we were lost as a nation. Secretariat was not just for the gamblers, Secretariat brought forward the masses of all types of people, young, old, and non gamblers. Yes, America was a nation of turmoil back then and no matter how foolish some might think it is, a horse did give us something we needed. I guess you can say it is not who brings that human spirit back into our lives, its how it is accomplished. Even back then Secretariat was scandalous free and we needed something that was of value and honor. Yes, this horse had a connection as so does Sarah with the psyche of others, its a connection, a time when we want a winner, a leader, an entity of strength, one who will do as they wish but still have that vision of desire to be the best within the hearts of a people. Many have said, Secretariat ran his own race much of the time, as with Sarah Palin, she runs her own race even when the beltways boys say she is not following their ways when comes to being conventional. Sarah brings us a vision that we have within our own beings. We see and feel the comfort of knowing there is one who admires the people upon the land, not one who admires their own superiority over a people. Sarah has those visions of hope, visions of prosperity when comes to values and principles. Sarah believes in a vision of morality as well one of character.
So yes, it is not anyone that brings comfort, it is the timing and the lifting of one's spirit by another being who in living conveys onto you there courage and strength. As I watch the mobs who surround Sarah wherever she goes, I see those smiles, those faces of joy who feel that being among her they feel her strength, her love for a people. Yes, Sarah has the knowledge when comes to the political debate, but one thing she has more of then any political figure is she worships the soul's of a people, not their vote. Secretariat was only 19 when he died, due to an incurable disease he was put to sleep on 10/04/1980 and upon the autopsy it was discovered he had an enormous heart, an occurrence that is basically once in a lifetime. Since I lived that period of time, I remember the evils and the turmoils that were brought onto America. Many will say this is unbelievable that a horse could do this to a country, well it happened because the state of affairs we were living in were destroying this nation. Sarah Palin is just that one who is doing it today, not because of her political prow less, but because of who she is. As with Secretariat, Sarah also has a big heart and many see and feel that from her. Yes, the time is now for one who can bring that comfort and that serenity, not just in the entity of political policies, but within the entity of the human spirit. Many see themselves in Sarah, many value her principles, her visions, her morality and her strength. Sarah is the people's candidate and that is why the games will not begin until Sarah lights that flame. As with the title from the movie "The day the Earth stood still", the Earth stands still politically today until Sarah lights that torch. Yes, many will say this is egotistical of Sarah by not making an announcement at this time, but it was not Sarah who wished to have this kind of control, we gave it to her. We gave it to her because we feel in her she is not just of political stature, but one of essence when comes to living. As in why Sarah is so much admired, we can also point to the fact that many in this country do live by much of the values and principles she herself preaches. With all the turmoil here in America and the world, there are news worthy events everywhere, BUT, the news that will be infamous concerns Sarah Palin's future.
Yes there are moments in time when an event is needed to capture the psyche of a people. There are times when a people in distress need that comfort, that hope, that joy, even if short lived. As in the early 70's, we had nobody, no person was fit to lead us out of our psyche of despair. The leadership was silent, we of that time period were feeling the horrors of a divided nation. We were living the nightmares of a war that brought much division into our country. We who lived in the 60's and the early 70's sensed the hatred that was running amok, and yet there was not a single soul to bring us comfort. Yes, we had our share of turmoil within this country as we have today, we were lost, we had no vision, only fear of what might come. A horse comes along and with this horse comes a moment in time where no matter if of man or beast, there was an emotional feeling of triumph within one's spirit. We needed somebody, some thing to make us feel good once again. During that time in our lives we were searching for something good to come along, we wanted to feel better about ourselves. As with Secretariat, we for a period of time did not frown upon our fears, we did not live the darkness of the abyss, we just lived for a moment, a moment that brought us comfort and serenity. We finally felt good about ourselves. What we saw in Secretariat was purity, a moment free of scandalous intervention. In our lost visions of hope, we saw that strength, that solitude in a beast that many might see hard to believe, but this beast gave us comfort and for once in our lives, we once again lived not in fear but lived for that one precious moment of hope. Yes, watching Secretariat run for the triple crown made us forget the troubles that were living. For that moment in time we were rooting for hope, the hope to see a champion, a moment in time within history which only a few have ever achieved. Yes, we lived for a horse back then, but more then that we were living for a vision once again, a vision of hope and courage. Many will ask themselves why talk about this horse Secretariat when writing an article about Sarah Palin. Well, to have lived back then, you would know the answer. However many can not conceive the parallels between what happened back then and what is happening today. Its not the who's who make moments like this and have us hold those moments to cherish, its how these events unfold. Back then we needed that strength, we needed that winner and with Secretariat, we had both. As I see in today's climate with Sarah Palin, we also see that strength and a winner. We have seen for 3 years the strength of Sarah as she has been maligned by every entity you can think of. For 3 years we have seen Sarah fight back, never stepping back when attacked. For 3 years we have seen someone stand firm upon her faith, values and principles, never batting a eye when criticized for her beliefs. We have seen one in Sarah battle the odds as she takes on the foes as the elites, liberal media and both parties. We have seen the courage of Sarah, the leadership, the strength of believing in herself. We have seen someone as Sarah be proud of who she is, showing us that to believe in one's self is believing that their is no goal that can't be accomplished. Yes, for many in America we see Sarah as one to support because she is fighting to see we as Americans behold the framework that this country was built upon. We stand by Sarah for who she is, we stand by Sarah for her beliefs, and we stand by Sarah because we want to see her beat the odds in winning within the world of the elites. Secretariat won the Triple Crown in 1973 and we cried because we witnessed greatness and felt good once again.
When Secretariat was laid to rest, and in showing the greatness of this horse, Secretariat was given the honor of being buried whole in the Claiborne cemetery. It is traditional for horses to be buried "head, heart, and hooves", but certain special horses deserve special treatment.When Secretariat won the Triple crown in 1973, many Americans wept because they felt something, something that they needed during that time. Seeing Secretariat win, their tears were of joy, happiness for even ones who did not experience that life back then, America was as confused back then as it is today. Yes, tears were shed because the people felt a pride in seeing some goodness in the world, they witnessed something of purity and scandalous free. Again in 1980 those tears were shed once again because of the passing of Secretariat, this time tears of sadness because the people looked back and knew in a certain time period of living, this horse gave them hope when they needed it more then anything. Yes there are events within our life's that make a mark that we will never forget, I experienced it back in the year 1973, and experiencing it now today with Sarah Palin. Two totally different events in life, but two of the same outcomes and that being both of these events have taken place in most desperate times. One we grasped onto a horse to make us feel good, the other we grasp onto a human being who says we are good.
Sarah has yet to light that flame, but for many we have seen that hope she has given us and right now we are hoping she wins that triple crown as well.......mayor, governor and president. Secretariat gave us what we needed at a time of despair, he made us feel good once again. Sarah is giving us that strength in knowing we the people are the only vision for a great country, and in that we feel good about who we are. There are times through out history where someone or an event will come along that touches millions. I have witnessed two of those events. One took place back in 1972 when a country and people were lost as we are today. Back in that time period America was on the brink of disaster and a horse made us cry in lifting our spirits. Today I see another in Sarah Palin. We flock to one who has taught us we the people are somebody. I guess i can say I have seen a horse and a mama grizzly come forward during times of turmoil and make us feel good about who we are as a people. This country and the world awaits for one person, then the strategies and political furor begins. With Sarah, the people have the control, not the elites of the country. Now that is CONVENTIONAL, the politcians, media and elites are now playing by the rules of WE THE PEOPLE....!!!!

Robert Wiles

Friday, August 5, 2011

Let's Help Out Youth4Palin!

Governor Sarah Palin will be giving the keynote speech in Iowa September 3rd at the "Restore America" rally! Please help Youth for Palin by showing up and help hand out flyers and voting cards! If you cannot make it please help them with their expenses and please make a $25 donation at the Youth for Palin website: Linkor you could buy Youth for Palin merchandise like T-Shirts, mugs, and much more: Youth for Palin wants to make a huge presence at the rally so if you are interested please email us at and we will reply back to you as soon as possible with more information. For more information about the rally here is a link to it: Join Youth for Palin in Iowa September 3rd!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Conviction For Sarah Needing To Run In 2012!

By Robert Wiles

Well, at times one feels compelled to address a situation that they feel dearly about, and at times one doesn't want to push his personal agenda onto another, but when one feels that a time of great chaos is upon us, words must be spoken, not just from the lips, but from the heart. I write to not beg Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012, I write to ask Sarah Palin to run not because I just admire her, but I as many others see the storm which has been brewing for decades in now upon us. We have just witnessed the debt crisis debacle, we have seen that the future for our children mean nothing to many of our politicians and even many within the populous. Oh hell, lets face it, many live for now and in living for now one only thinks of themselves and no other, not even their offspring. If we did, we be giving up much and doing what we must. We'd be cutting spending, we'd be cutting unwarranted government programs, we'd be gutting government altogether, we'd be living within the means of a balanced budget. Well, I am not here to talk about our debt, many out there know much more then I and have written about this matter. What I want to say is this, Sarah Palin, I need you, the people need you, America needs you. Today I have seen and heard the hatred become more of a part of life then one can bear to see. One can not disagree with another anymore, if you do, you will not be debated since that is no longer feasible, today your soul be damned to hell and if that is not good enough, you become marked as one who must be wished death upon. We have seen that for ages, we have seen that hatred grow to such enormity, the tensions that have been tossed upon us is very ignitable. For years I have been called a racist, a bigot, and a homophobe. That was when life was easy, now I am just damned to hell, cursed with such vengeance that even Satan himself would shudder in hearing the vulgarity.
We now longer debate, debate is over, the lines have been drawn and now the armies of both sides march into battle. For years we have been crucified by the left and liberal media, we always hear that word compromise come from their lips, we hear the rhetoric that conservatives and republicans are unwilling to compromise and in that, the Country has fallen into the abyss of darkness. I hear that word compromise and I think about Obamacare, where was the compromise form the left, correct me if I am wrong but I think that was rammed down our throats without any compromising from the left. I hear how we must teach evolution in schools and yet I see no compromise in teaching "Intelligent design". I hear the left always promoting sex education in schools, but then I ask where is their compromise in teaching abstinence as well. I listen to the reasoning from the left in why we must have organizations as Planned Parenthood, YET, when I mention that we need to have institutions to counter Planned Parenthood for women who need counseling and desire another method, the compromise from the left is I am a sexist and have no feelings for the opposite sex. When I ask that we need a balanced budget amendment for our Government, the compromise from the left is "shut up you terrorist". When I try and speak, I am told I am a faction of the terrorist organization Hamas. When I show concern and question, I am called a Hobbit. When I try and fight by letting my words be heard I am told I am a psychotic killer as describe here
Compromise, forget it, the left wants me gone, they don't want anybody who does not agree with them and they want people like us out of the picture. Yes Independents, you might want me to compromise and even when I try, it doesn't matter, the left wants total control and we have seen this coming for decades. So to the Independents when I am gone, its your turn to be damned to eternal hell. We have seen much hatred from the left in these last few decades, take a look at these, and remember, this is miniscule to all the hatred that has been thwarted upon us.
Yes, they hate us, the left does not want to compromise with us, and why do they hate us, well its so simple, its what we believe in. I am classified as a God fearing gun toting redneck racist terrorist Hobbit hick from hell, and many might laugh at that but what brings that about is my convictions of believing in God, the unborn, the family, marriage, the constitution, our Bill of Rights, and the red, white and blue. Yes, within those beliefs lies a potential killer, that's what the left wants everybody to believe, and the sad thing is, some will think that.
So this is why I need now to say to Sarah Palin, the time is now, this is your time, your calling is now at hand. We now are looking at a stalemate between us and the left, we look for a leader within the Republican party and we see none who has yet taken control of the reigns. We sit here and mope about the debt crisis debacle, we hear from many that we were duped, we were scammed by our politicians. We sit here and hear the words of damnation from the left against us and yet we still look for someone who can lead us and fight for us. Yet as we look for that someone, we have seen in the last 3 years, one who has put fear into the minds of the ones who have put fear into us, the people. Why, why for 3 years now, the one that they are scared of is still being debated among us. Why is the one that they deplore more then God it seems is still being questioned by many within our circle. I want to live free, I want to be free, I want to see all free. I want to live within a peaceful society of love. I want to live among a society who even in disagreeing which each other can still honor and respect ones who do not believe as they. I want to see the children of the future survive and live not in distress, but live as a people of hope and blessings. This is why I ask Sarah Palin, we need you, we can not sit anymore and wait for someone to take control and lead us. I have seen and watched how they have scorned you, I have watched how they have casted evil upon you and I have seen how you have bravely stood your ground and and in your stand I have seen your wisdom in the honoring of God and the fulfillment within your heart for a people who are fighting to survive. Yes, we need you Sarah, and you know this destiny, you yourself have seen the clash within the structure of good and evil. You have preached it, you have lived it, you know that salvation for a people to survive they must live in salvation of morality. I have never seen one come as you who has been mocked and damned as you, and with the scares that have been thwarted upon you and your family, you have survived, you have showed admiration not in just me, but your God, and within your soul God has prevailed. Yes Sarah, this army needs a general, a leader, one who will stand tall for us, one who will shine for us. You know as well as I, this is not political, this is more, this battle we see coming is a battle for survival. Lately we have seen so much confusion, so much turmoil, the hatred is ten fold and you know we can not survive as a people if we lose our identity. This is a battle of who we are, which culture we live by. This is not of a political desire, this is culture battle where sides have been drawn and now the clash is upon us. Yes, Sarah, we are struggling and you know, voting will not cure this problem, we have fallen back to where life is not of values and principles, life is of darkness where living is not for happiness, living has become motionless. Yes, I look at you Sarah and truly feel that there was a reason for you to come into our lives, and in seeing the hatred that has been bestowed upon you confirms those thoughts. You have stood tall for us, you have been our voice, our strength, and yet many are weakened by not knowing your future. I know there is a lot of weight upon your shoulders, I know there is many questions for you to answer within your personal life, but for myself all I can say is this, in searching deep, you know the answer and that is the hatred for you is not of choice by the left, this hatred of you was waiting for only you. There is no other that they fear, there is no other they attack so visciously, there is no other they wish would be silent other then you. That confirms my thoughts and that being, you know this is your time, your time to sacrifice not just for anybody but for a people of God. That is why they hate you so, that is why they fear you, that is why they scared of you, they know as I......... you were sent......!!!
Robert Wiles

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Final Conflict Within Our Culture, Enter Sarah Palin

By Robert Wiles

What do I see in Sarah Palin, I see not only a politician, I see something more unique and that being Sarah is Americana, a Patriot, someone who believes in the moral fabric and values of this Country which from It's birth became the beacon of freedom upon this planet we call Earth. A hope for all people to see that we as individuals, people have a right to live free with liberties that shall never be confiscated by man. That being said, Sarah is the enemy of the state for to live as a free people, you must have a moral code of ethics, a code of values, a code of character and a code of laws to live within a culture. Our Forefathers saw to that, they saw that liberties and freedoms must have that ethical fiber to maintain a culture of humanity to live in harmony and to survive. Even quoting John Adams, our 3rd President of these United States and one who very much was a voice of our Declaration of Independence concluded
"“ The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principals of christianity… I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

• “[July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.”
In today's climate, quotes as those will most likely never be heard in our educational classrooms, and because of that, this is why I perceive this is the reason Sarah Palin is being damned by the Left and the lame stream media. To me what we see happening within the political spectrum within this country is minute to what is actually happening. This is not politics, this is the survival of our culture. That is why I see only one who I feel can lead the fight for the survival of the American culture which was founded upon the moral principles of our Forefathers. As I see it, the rhetoric over Sarah's political qualifications is over, she is qualified, she is fit, enough said. The debate on the negatives of Sarah's political qualifications was a front for something else and that being Sarah's driving force in securing and promoting the values and moral code of this country. Sarah is not only in this for political reasons, she sees and knows what has to be done politically to hold this Country together, but she also sees that the preservation of our values is a must to keep this country from collapsing. This is why the left, progressives, liberals and the lame stream media hate Sarah. We are not just talking that they dislike her, we are talking about a pure HATRED for her that I even have never seen before in my years of living.
For being a conservative/republican can not to this day blame President Obama and the left for the chaos in this country. I can not to this day blame the lame stream media for this rampant disregard for American values. I to this day have to blame US. I say that because the election in 2008 did not bring this country down per se, this country was being brought down for decades and in 2008, a very climatic moment took place because of the past few decades. Why do I say that? I say that because decades ago, that war upon our culture was taking place, that battle to change was being slowly but surely in it's planning stages to infiltrate our culture as we once knew it. This was not done overnight, this was not done under President Obama, Pelosi , Reid or under the premise of a controlled democratic house. The left saw it, they knew how to accomplish it and they knew the apathy of America. Case in point, our educational system, the left knew to change a culture, you have to teach it slowly but surely. The left knew the birth of a culture has to be learned by the young, the future, the ones who not not know the true meaning of the philosophy of their culture as of yet, there has to be a code of values. Abraham Lincoln knew this as well when he stated "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Those words today have so much meaning behind them, we see it thru out the land today. We have an educational system today, guided upon politically correctness (another tool of the Left and LSM), we see the changing of history, we have an educational process that teaches personal views other then facts, we see the teachings of an agenda, the agenda of the left. To teach lies to an audience that are young and are not talk history, you teach a philosophy of falsehoods that become culture of lies. To change a culture, you must change the moral code of society and to change that code, you preach to the young and have them learn, morality is a word of no value. It even bothers me where I see today, our children hear and learn more about men like Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez then then our own Forefathers. I look around this nation and I see their are educational systems who now want to teach to our pre-teens, the concept of sex, masturbation, sexual positions and that responsibility is not a word of value, but a word of misconception.
The changing of our philosophy within our educational system was the biggest attack upon our culture, but also the most important. This is where we learn about our society, the history of it, the wealth of it. Yes, we have our bible studies, our churches, but in today's world, our school systems are where we send our young almost every day. The schools today have become the teachings of all aspects of life to our young. We must also remember, who we call the lame stream media were also taught from our educational process. We have to know where they even came from, because they to were that generation as well that Abraham Lincoln stated. The left knew the schools was the entity that had to be controlled and as they worked their philosophy into the schools, what did we do...NOTHING. We saw it, but we didn't think it was a big deal, we just laid back, enjoyed our BBQs, our sports, our TVs and never really imagined the consequences of what might come from all of this. The apathy the left knew about. The Left knew as well, to change law, to change the philosophy of law, one must control the people of the law and that being the judges. The left has made a very big mark in putting that philosophy behind the bench that they see is a necessity in changing not law of the land, but the moral fabric of ethics and values that our principles of the founding of this country. The left knew where to go, they knew they needed to teach their philosophy to the young, they knew that philosophy would also be learned within the minds of the future media, they knew to change a law, you change the philosophy of the bench. Lets look at our society as we see it today, our culture is being attacked on every front. We see the attacks on marriage, the family, the unborn, on our faith, on our free speech, basically every value that we saw founded and given to us upon the birth of this nation. We have all seen the major attacks upon our faith and to me to change a culture to a philosophy which has no moral code, you do not change religion, you crush religion. That we have seen for years and today, we see everything that our Forefathers fought for being slowly but surely diluted to nothing but the piece of paper The Constitution was written on. This is why I blame us, for all this was coming, we saw it coming, we knew it was coming and we did nothing to stop it. I look at the philosophy of what we call politically correctness, I ask myself, where did this come from? I ask myself, how does this new philosophy have so much power from a minority that teaches it? When I say minority, we are not talking races, we are talking a minority of people with a certain philosophy that now has become the culture of America. Again, the left saw the apathy and knew that with apathy, you can push anything onto the people. I remember one day when I read that schools were banning the children's game of TAG, I asked myself "WHAT". I even asked a few people that i associate with and the answer I got back from them told me everything I needed to know about how the Left knew that apathy would be the product in pushing their philosophy in changing the culture of America. I asked my friends, what did they think about schools banning TAG. The reply I got from everyone I asked..."AH, its no big deal, its trivial, to small of of an issue to be concerned about". Then I knew we are in big trouble. That has been our problem for all these decades, we always were waiting for that big fire storm, that issue to just make us boil where we MIGHT take issue with. The Left as with the schools and all the other areas of society that in pushing a philosophy you do not start a fire storm, you start a spark here and there and soon, those sparks will be a firestorm. We see that today. Apathy destroyed up, not president Obama and the Left.
Writing all that, I now introduce Sarah Palin, because she, to the Left is the firefighter who is engaging to put out that firestorm which we helped create. As I stated earlier, the mocking of Sarah's qualifications, her lack of intelligence was only a front to this. The Left and the lame stream media know that Sarah has what it takes to be president or someone who is a formidable foe when comes to politics, They believe in her as much as i do, they know she is one to take seriously. They just hide the fact because they have to destroy her, not for her political prowess, but because of her stance on the culture of America. I have stated in other articles I have written, you do not give the time of day to someone who is not qualified and stupid. You do not attack the one who is not all those things unless they are. You do not waste your time in trying to destroy someone if the do not scare you, you attack the ones who do scare you. Guess what, they only attack her, that says something. Yes, Sarah Palin must be destroyed by the left and the lame stream media because of one issue..the American culture. I look at both the Left and lame stream media and it amuses me that they are in a frenzy over Sarah Palin. I sit here and I imagine when they wake up in the morning, they see Sarah when they look into the bathroom mirror, I imagine them seeing Sarah in their rear view mirror when they drive, I imagine them seeing Sarah as they walk along and look behind them, I imagine them seeing Sarah's face at the bottom of the glass they just drank out of, I imagine them having nightmares of Sarah and wake with a sweat. I have never seen ANYONE in my life who has controlled an entity of the left and lame stream media as Sarah. All the hits she has taken for us, all the punches, the lies, the mocking. All the personal attacks her family has taken all for us. Sarah has bled for us, she has given us a voice and that voice being we the people have values, principles, ethics and something called morality. As I have said before, she has many detractors on our side who refuse to see the total picture of Sarah. I just say, if they were in Sarah's shoes, would they still be standing..I DOUBT IT. They on the left and in the lame stream media call her extreme. Why is that, lets see, Sarah has a faith in God, she believes in life of the unborn, she believes in America, the constitution, the individual rights of liberties and freedoms of the people, in believing in the Bill of Rights she deeply believes in the 2nd amendment and states rights, she believes in capitalism, she believes in controlling of borders. she believes in marriage and the family. Because of those believes, they call her extreme. Well, I guess I am extreme too as many of us are. I am proud to be in her company then. Though in all those beliefs, we see the WHY in why the left and media want to destroy Sarah. All her beliefs can be summed up into one thing...THE AMERICAN CULTURE. We have seen the left and Main Stream Media want to destroy all those beliefs. We have seen hits taken by individuals or groups who believe in God, we have seen by the Left and main Stream Media the mocking of God, the mocking of the family, the mocking of marriage. We have seen to them, the constitution is basically meaningless when comes to law. We have even heard comments made form representatives in our government from the left that the government has the power to do anything they want and the constitution means nothing. We have seen the warfare started upon capitalism from the left and lame stream media just in the the promotion of distaste for the rich from other sectors within society who have not quite pushed themselves to make it as others. Since even bringing that up, we see another tactic of the Left, start the discord between classes of people and races. In today's society the left has pushed the idea, if you have money, if you do well, you made all your wealth on false pretenses. We now today see the redistribution of wealth. We have see the rampant warfare on races issues become more prevalent today. We have seen the throwing of words as racism from the left for one reason, in believing in principles and laws, you are a racist. We see that in the framework of our immigration policy.
We have seen Sarah come out at the very beginning to lead this fight. Some in our own Party have to, but it doesn't seem sincere as Sarah and that says a lot. Sarah has that connection in where there is that difference to her and others. We see Sarah as one of us, we see the fisherman, we see the dirty hands, we see the clothes of a working person, the comb back hair of someone who lives through her own values of living that just doesn't have another to do it for her, but one who takes it on herself. We need a leader that can show us both ways within this country, a leader to lead us down a path of people first concept within the realm of politics, someone who wants to lead this country with a strength of principles and liberties but also one who can also lead by example in promoting the values of this country. This country was founded upon a code of principles and values, this country thru It's conception became the greatest of the greatest when it came to freedoms and liberties and those freedoms and liberties became the force in which we live thru a foundation of principles and values. Sarah has brought all this forward, she preaches about who we are, how we were founded. Her persona is not as a politician, her persona is that of person as you and I. She is not of the Elite class, she is of the class of decency in demanding the people come first in a society that survives upon freedoms. Sarah has been attacked within her own party, she has be maligned within her own Party as well, but she has been maligned more by the left as well, WHY..? because she believes in me. She looks at me as someone, not a pawn on a chess board as the elites do. To destroy Sarah, they destroy me as well, they destroy us, this Nation. The left and the lame stream media see a force in Sarah that is interfering with their perception of who I should be and how I should live, that being within their realm of what and how I should think. Sarah has given me a voice as all of us, she believes in the thinking of our Forefathers, she believes in how this country was born, to the left, the culture must be changed because to have a culture of principles and values, a people have a say and they do not want a people to be a part of their realm, unless they are controlled. This is why the Left and lame stream media do need to destroy Sarah at any cost. They have seen from the day she was introduced, a ground swell from within this Country to where she captured a people who believe also in the values of this Country. Ones who believe deeply in our Constitution, ones who believe in our Forefathers and their beliefs in how to preserve this Nation with a Constitution that lives upon a moral code of ethical laws and values. Sarah Palin has awoken this Nation. This is battle for American values and principles. Are there other politicians smarter then Sarah..yes there are, just in the case of President Reagan. However, we have seen what the intellect can do to a nation, now it is time for common sense. Sarah has the qualifications, she has the brains, but one thing she has that others do not have...she has INSPIRATION. We swarmed to President Reagan for the same reason. I at times truly feel this is the final conflict for the battle within our country for which way we will go with our culture. The culture can survive without politicians, but the culture can not survive without principles and values of a moral code of ethics. Sarah Palin must be destroyed by the Left and lame stream media. Another quote from Abraham Lincoln which best describes where we are at today in America "A house divided against itself cannot stand". To me the foundation of our house is Sarah Palin, now it depends on us the people in how we want to build it. Sarah is doing more for us then we know, she has her detractors that to me do not see the total picture. Sarah is standing tall for us and as I have believed, the left and lame stream media have more faith in Sarah and more respect in her then many on our side do. You do not try to crucify and destroy someone you do not have faith in knowing that they are who they are. To destroy someone as they are with Sarah, you have to have respect for them because you do not destroy another that is nothing to you unless you see the truth in that person. The left and lame stream media have told us time and time again who they fear, who they know can block their control of the culture and who can lead this nation back to where it once was. Sarah Palin is the Left's worst nightmare, she is the roadblock that they never saw might happen in their world of control. As even during the Reagan years, there were smarter politicians , but as during the Reagan years, was there one who was more then just a politicians but also a person who had a faith more in the people as Reagan. Sarah is that one as well as was president Reagan. All I know is this, Sarah Palin is one who is not just capable of being a great politician, but also one who will be a great leader in making us as Americans believe in ourselves again. This is not just about politics, this is also about our culture. We the people have to decide we want a Country to live under the rule of Ferret, have our liberties stolen from us or a Mama Grizzly, who will protect the liberties of her cubs...!!!!!