By Robert Wiles
On December 16th, 1944, the Germans launched their largest offensive of the war on the Western Front. The primary goals in this offensive was to drive a wedge between the American and British armies and to capture the Belgian port of Antwerp. For many, we have heard the phrase "Battle of the Bulge", well this was it. One of the main reasons that this offensive failed was the strong resistance of American forces on the southern shoulder of the Bulge, a town called Bastogne. The Allies realized it's importance and General Eisenhower dispathed the 101st Airborne Division to hold the town at all costs. During this battle, the Germans held siege upon Bastonge and requested that the American forces surrender, and in that request they did recieve a reply from Division Commander General Tony McAuliffe. That one word reply became infamous in the chronicles of American history. General McAuliffe wrote that word to be taken to the German delegation that was being detained at the command post. That one word was "NUTS" and as translated by one of the Americans to the Germans in case they didn't know what NUTS meant in English, the translation given was "Go to hell". Well, after weeks of fierce fighting, reinforcements finally came and Bastonge was held by the American forces. The bravery of the 101st Airborne Division in holding Bastonge under extreme circumstances resulted in the first full Army Division Presidental Distinguished Unit Citation. To read about the whole battle of Bastogne and what transpired, you can read it here .
Yes, a division who was overwhelmed by the odds held on under extreme circumstances not because they out numbered the Germans, because they didn't, they held on for one reason, they knew what freedom meant. They were as of the Allies, they knew that the spirit and soul of humankind can only survive under the principles of a person living within the realm of liberty and freedom. Why do I mention this episode concerning the history of our Country, WELL, how many of us have ever said "NUTS". I know of one and she has been saying "NUTS" for 3 years now. Yes, going back to when Sarah Palin was introduced as Senator John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin has been dragged thru hell and high water. From that day, Sarah has been attacked, her family, her values and principles. Many times so many out there have basically asked Sarah to give it up, surrender you can say. We have heard from those talking pundits, the elites, members of both parties, the news media and the left that Sarah should bow out, she shouldn't run, she is treading in waters that she can not handle and so on. We have had many who have told Sarah she needs to make a decision, she needs to do it this date, that date, she needs to enter the debates because if not now, she is toast. We have heard from all these professional politicians that she needs to listen to them, she can't do it, she doesn't have the polished rhetoric of a Harvard grad, she doesn't have the thick skin that one needs to be in the world of politics. They want an answer from her and they want it now, the funny thing being she has answered them for 3 years now and they all have yet understood her reply. Yes, the one they want to see surrender and just wave that white flag has answered and she still holds her place within the realm of the political/cultural world. The left, news media, both parties and the elites of this country see Bastonge in Sarah because she is in their way. She stands between them and their political and cultural prowess of victory which they so desire. They have been attacking Sarah for years and they as well have seen the reinforcements coming to aide Sarah and that is the people. Sarah's conviction, honor and strength has held the line for we the people of this country, NOW it is time we say NUTS and support the one who once again gave us life within the Conservative/Republican movement.
Yes Conservative/Republicans where were we 3 years ago? How did we feel about our future? How did it feel when we felt all was loss? Maybe, we learned more then we know from the likes of Sarah Palin. Maybe we realized if we would had said NUTS decades ago we might not be in the shape we are today within this country. If we had said NUTS in the past we might still have our schools still, no Political Correctness. Maybe we still might be seeing Mother's Day being celebrated in our schools, maybe children might still enjoy playing that game of tag on the playground, maybe conservatives as a Rush Limbaugh might be part of the NFL. The celebration of Christmas in schools might be abounding within the school systems if only we had said NUTS in the past. Maybe we'll be seeing more unborn enjoying the fruits of life, maybe we be seeing intelligent design taught in our schools along the side of evolution, maybe even abstinence would be taught along the side of sex education as well. Maybe we might hear our sons and daughters be able to say God during graduation without repercussions, maybe the word God might not be vanishing from this Country's history as well. Yes, only if we knew the word NUTS back then and even today as well. Maybe today we might not even hear the words "redistribution of wealth" or even see actions as this being carried out by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg . Only if we stood tall and had the strength in saying that word NUTS, we might not be fighting for the survival of our country. I look at all what Sarah has given us and the sad thing is, many supporters can't even say that word and stand beside her. Many can't support her in every way they can after she alone gave us what our side needed today and that was the fight we need for survival. We Conservative/Republicans have been attacked relentlessly over the past as in our faith as well, we have been scorned, we have been damned to hell and we have been maligned as no other. Sarah Palin comes along and takes all the heat for us, takes all the scorn for us and yet many of us can't even trust her or have faith in her to watch and see what she will do. She has even made us a promise in announcing what she will do no later then September and yet many can't wait. She has protected us for 3 years by taking all the blows for us and yet many can't give her a few months to make a promised decision. So many believe she needs to be part of the Republican Presidential Debates, yet they do not realize even in not being part of those debates, Sarah has some strong numbers and is within the mix. For 3 years we have believed in her, watched her grow, saw how she stood up for us and now many can't give her a day, a week or even a month.
For me, whatever Sarah does is fine with me. For me, I have watched and listened to Sarah for these past few years and I have seen because of her, our side has new life. As I have watched, there is something else I have seen with Sarah, that being there is more to all of this then just politics. This is a cultural battle most of all. For 3 years I have seen her reply to their wanting her to surrender, give it up and just walk away. For 3 years I have seen Sarah holding our base together. For 3 years I have seen her hold that command I call Bastonge. Yes, in reality 1944 in the holding of the town Bastonge, Belgium, this was a very pivotal battle in stopping the Germans from their last big thrust to hold onto their empire that they saw was slowly diminishing by the efforts of the Allies. That was war and in retrospect if we don't think we have our own Bastonge here in the United States, you are wrong. Our Bastonge is not a town, but a vision, a culture, a way of life as in liberties and freedoms. The left and others see that and they know there is one standing in their way who is fighting to see the American culture stay solid within the realm of liberty and freedom for a people. She holds the values and principles of America high, she has shown that she will not surrender within those beliefs and she will not wave that white flag for the people she fights for. Yes, some will say I am overreaching, but I say to them, I never thought in my wildest dreams that the childhood game of tag would be looked upon as evil and I never thought the day would come where we would have a mayor who decides that clergy will not participate in the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
I for one am glad Sarah has said NUTS to all the nay sayers out there these last 3 years who wanted her to surrender and give it up. I am glad Sarah has made her voice heard for me, we the people. Maybe she will announce, maybe not, but whatever she does, she will not be silent in the following years and neither will I. As for me in wanting to know if I will abandon Sarah in any decision she makes and throw in the white flag .......I say "NUTS", and if you need a translation I'll be glad to express it...............!!!!!!!!
Robert Wiles
On December 16th, 1944, the Germans launched their largest offensive of the war on the Western Front. The primary goals in this offensive was to drive a wedge between the American and British armies and to capture the Belgian port of Antwerp. For many, we have heard the phrase "Battle of the Bulge", well this was it. One of the main reasons that this offensive failed was the strong resistance of American forces on the southern shoulder of the Bulge, a town called Bastogne. The Allies realized it's importance and General Eisenhower dispathed the 101st Airborne Division to hold the town at all costs. During this battle, the Germans held siege upon Bastonge and requested that the American forces surrender, and in that request they did recieve a reply from Division Commander General Tony McAuliffe. That one word reply became infamous in the chronicles of American history. General McAuliffe wrote that word to be taken to the German delegation that was being detained at the command post. That one word was "NUTS" and as translated by one of the Americans to the Germans in case they didn't know what NUTS meant in English, the translation given was "Go to hell". Well, after weeks of fierce fighting, reinforcements finally came and Bastonge was held by the American forces. The bravery of the 101st Airborne Division in holding Bastonge under extreme circumstances resulted in the first full Army Division Presidental Distinguished Unit Citation. To read about the whole battle of Bastogne and what transpired, you can read it here .
Yes, a division who was overwhelmed by the odds held on under extreme circumstances not because they out numbered the Germans, because they didn't, they held on for one reason, they knew what freedom meant. They were as of the Allies, they knew that the spirit and soul of humankind can only survive under the principles of a person living within the realm of liberty and freedom. Why do I mention this episode concerning the history of our Country, WELL, how many of us have ever said "NUTS". I know of one and she has been saying "NUTS" for 3 years now. Yes, going back to when Sarah Palin was introduced as Senator John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin has been dragged thru hell and high water. From that day, Sarah has been attacked, her family, her values and principles. Many times so many out there have basically asked Sarah to give it up, surrender you can say. We have heard from those talking pundits, the elites, members of both parties, the news media and the left that Sarah should bow out, she shouldn't run, she is treading in waters that she can not handle and so on. We have had many who have told Sarah she needs to make a decision, she needs to do it this date, that date, she needs to enter the debates because if not now, she is toast. We have heard from all these professional politicians that she needs to listen to them, she can't do it, she doesn't have the polished rhetoric of a Harvard grad, she doesn't have the thick skin that one needs to be in the world of politics. They want an answer from her and they want it now, the funny thing being she has answered them for 3 years now and they all have yet understood her reply. Yes, the one they want to see surrender and just wave that white flag has answered and she still holds her place within the realm of the political/cultural world. The left, news media, both parties and the elites of this country see Bastonge in Sarah because she is in their way. She stands between them and their political and cultural prowess of victory which they so desire. They have been attacking Sarah for years and they as well have seen the reinforcements coming to aide Sarah and that is the people. Sarah's conviction, honor and strength has held the line for we the people of this country, NOW it is time we say NUTS and support the one who once again gave us life within the Conservative/Republican movement.
Yes Conservative/Republicans where were we 3 years ago? How did we feel about our future? How did it feel when we felt all was loss? Maybe, we learned more then we know from the likes of Sarah Palin. Maybe we realized if we would had said NUTS decades ago we might not be in the shape we are today within this country. If we had said NUTS in the past we might still have our schools still, no Political Correctness. Maybe we still might be seeing Mother's Day being celebrated in our schools, maybe children might still enjoy playing that game of tag on the playground, maybe conservatives as a Rush Limbaugh might be part of the NFL. The celebration of Christmas in schools might be abounding within the school systems if only we had said NUTS in the past. Maybe we'll be seeing more unborn enjoying the fruits of life, maybe we be seeing intelligent design taught in our schools along the side of evolution, maybe even abstinence would be taught along the side of sex education as well. Maybe we might hear our sons and daughters be able to say God during graduation without repercussions, maybe the word God might not be vanishing from this Country's history as well. Yes, only if we knew the word NUTS back then and even today as well. Maybe today we might not even hear the words "redistribution of wealth" or even see actions as this being carried out by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg . Only if we stood tall and had the strength in saying that word NUTS, we might not be fighting for the survival of our country. I look at all what Sarah has given us and the sad thing is, many supporters can't even say that word and stand beside her. Many can't support her in every way they can after she alone gave us what our side needed today and that was the fight we need for survival. We Conservative/Republicans have been attacked relentlessly over the past as in our faith as well, we have been scorned, we have been damned to hell and we have been maligned as no other. Sarah Palin comes along and takes all the heat for us, takes all the scorn for us and yet many of us can't even trust her or have faith in her to watch and see what she will do. She has even made us a promise in announcing what she will do no later then September and yet many can't wait. She has protected us for 3 years by taking all the blows for us and yet many can't give her a few months to make a promised decision. So many believe she needs to be part of the Republican Presidential Debates, yet they do not realize even in not being part of those debates, Sarah has some strong numbers and is within the mix. For 3 years we have believed in her, watched her grow, saw how she stood up for us and now many can't give her a day, a week or even a month.
For me, whatever Sarah does is fine with me. For me, I have watched and listened to Sarah for these past few years and I have seen because of her, our side has new life. As I have watched, there is something else I have seen with Sarah, that being there is more to all of this then just politics. This is a cultural battle most of all. For 3 years I have seen her reply to their wanting her to surrender, give it up and just walk away. For 3 years I have seen Sarah holding our base together. For 3 years I have seen her hold that command I call Bastonge. Yes, in reality 1944 in the holding of the town Bastonge, Belgium, this was a very pivotal battle in stopping the Germans from their last big thrust to hold onto their empire that they saw was slowly diminishing by the efforts of the Allies. That was war and in retrospect if we don't think we have our own Bastonge here in the United States, you are wrong. Our Bastonge is not a town, but a vision, a culture, a way of life as in liberties and freedoms. The left and others see that and they know there is one standing in their way who is fighting to see the American culture stay solid within the realm of liberty and freedom for a people. She holds the values and principles of America high, she has shown that she will not surrender within those beliefs and she will not wave that white flag for the people she fights for. Yes, some will say I am overreaching, but I say to them, I never thought in my wildest dreams that the childhood game of tag would be looked upon as evil and I never thought the day would come where we would have a mayor who decides that clergy will not participate in the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
I for one am glad Sarah has said NUTS to all the nay sayers out there these last 3 years who wanted her to surrender and give it up. I am glad Sarah has made her voice heard for me, we the people. Maybe she will announce, maybe not, but whatever she does, she will not be silent in the following years and neither will I. As for me in wanting to know if I will abandon Sarah in any decision she makes and throw in the white flag .......I say "NUTS", and if you need a translation I'll be glad to express it...............!!!!!!!!
Robert Wiles