Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The War Against Sarah Palin And The People Is At Hand!
On Monday September 5th in Detroit, Michigan, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some combative words for the Tea Party while warming up the crowd for President Obama. Speaking to a heavily union crowd Jimmy Hoffa had these words to say, "We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," in adding, Hoffa had this to say as well, "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong." You can hear those remarks here http://www.theblaze.com/stories/lets-take-these-son-of-bitches-out-teamster-president-hoffa-calls-for-war-on-tea-party-at-obama-labor-day-event/ . We also can't forget the compassionate remarks from none other then Congresswoman Maxine Walters of California http://www.therightscoop.com/maxine-waters-%E2%80%98the-tea-party-can-go-straight-to-hell%E2%80%99/ . Lets not end there, we have Democratic Congresswoman Frederica Wilson of Florida getting her 2 cents worth in as well http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/08/23/dem_congresswoman_the_real_enemy_is_the_tea_party.html . Then we have Reverend Jesse Jackson not being outdone http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/jesse-jackson-tea-party/2011/08/23/id/408414. Now I can not forget one from my own home state of Indiana, Democratic Representative Andre Carson went even further by stating these remarks directed towards the Tea Party http://foxnewsinsider.com/2011/09/01/rep-carson-claims-tea-party-representatives-want-to-see-blacks-hanging-on-a-tree-should-he-resign-over-comments/ . We also have to remember during the debt ceiling debate weeks ago the encouraging words of Vice President Joe Biden in portraying the Tea Party as terrorists and for a second time as in Cincinnati, Ohio at a sponsored union rally over this past Labor Day Vice President Biden once again described the Republicans as "barbarians". To be fair it is just not politicians on the left who have thoughts in all this, the thoughts of one libtalker has his take as well concerning the Tea Party http://reaganslist.us/2011/08/the-tea-party-is-the-real-enemy-so-say-progressives/ . I think what we see happening is clear, but lets add one more take on what is going on because there is a lot more coming from elsewhere on the left http://biggovernment.com/libertychick/2011/09/06/new-tone-twitter-users-want-republicans-dead/ .
We look at this rhetoric and we don't see this spread out over years, we see much of this basically within a month or less. If I published every demeaning statement directed at Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party and of Sarah Palin I would have a Novel here even of more length then Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace". We have seen this coming and if not, we have been to busy living the beauty of life granted to us from God, and the sad thing about that is in enjoying this life, the left and progressives have been trying to change that life by changing the existence of the God we live for. Here we are today being chastised for living through God and not living through man. That is what is really going on today, we are being attacked for living under a law of a moral presence which to the left is immoral because to them man is who rules, not a living God. Its so simple, the hatred that has been devoted to us has been here upon Earth since the beginning of time. For us who live today we have seen this act of hatred casted upon us for decades, we have seen the degradation of our God, the chastising of our values and principles, we have even been deemed to patriotic for our love and holding to our bosoms the United States Constitution. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party stepped onto the scene after America was seeing a collapse of It's economy. We were already spiraling downward to the abyss of darkness when it came to our economic woes. America was already seeing the destruction of our lives even before Sarah and the Tea Party were even names mentioned upon the lips of the populous. This hatred that we see being directed to people like Sarah Palin and to groups as the Tea Party has nothing to do with the chaos that is happening upon this land economically. This is much more, this is more then just political, this is CULTURE. This is not a political battle, this is a war upon the culture of America. I have said this since I began blogging for Sarah Palin a couple years ago and will not shy away from it. Even before I started writing, I saw the hatred directed at Sarah and it wasn't because of her politics. There was only one reason in the condemnation of Sarah and until we the people start realizing what the true reason is we are in a great battle, and as i see it might come down to a confrontation that we might regret. The left wants more then chaos, they as well as the liberal media would love to see blood. Lets face it and realize it, the left will do anything to get what they have been trying to achieve for decades. Maybe its a guess on my part but I can even see the left hoping for marshal law because this is not a game to them, this is a battle to take over America. Sarah has been blamed for everything, even a shooting that took place in Arizona, her life and her family have been demonized to no end. We have even seen the damnation of her son Trig by the left for no reason except that Sarah gave life to a child who is of Downs Syndrome. A life of a child, a child of God was blessed by Sarah, no matter how this child was born, Sarah praised the birth of this child and events as this is why there is hatred directed at Sarah Palin. This is not the only reason the left hates Sarah, her faith is hated, her values are hated, her principles, character and honor are all hated. These are the reasons the left will make hateful remarks as we have seen. They know themselves that this vulgar hate is not because of her politics or even the politics of the Tea Party. They see another vision from a Sarah Palin and of the Tea Party, that vision being of God and of American traditional values and principles. The left wants to change the culture of America and to change an entity as the culture you must demonize the ones who stand in your path of the changes you desire. We have seen Political Correctness come into our lives and change the values and principles we once lived. We have seen that you can not debate an issue that you have questions about, and if you do, you will be damned to the pits of hell as a racist. We have seen our schools teach our children that to be somebody forget about honor and motivation, live off another. We have seen the family dismantled, we have seen a people be pushed into hating another not just as in racial, but now in classes of living. We saw the Tea Party being blamed for the debt ceiling talks and yet all the Tea Party wanted was a balanced budget, fiscal responsibility, government of less restraints and a government of the people and for that we are hated as much as Sarah Palin. We are being told that not just one future generation is beholden to what we have done, but generation(S). As for me it makes me wonder does the left really care about our kids, but then again I realize there is more to this then many know. We have to be hated as a Sarah Palin because the economy is not at stake here, its the culture and we have to be demonized so the populous will walk away from us and walk into the arms of the left.
I have said before, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are of American values and principles. We trust our God and each other in determining our lives. We believe in free enterprise, individual freedom ordained through a Deity, we believe in the free market and in ourselves. We believe in responsibility, character and a people who dream should be able to reach and live those dreams. That is a culture that must be destroyed by the left, the culture Sarah Palin and the Tea Party live are one of God, one of belief in a people, one of a culture of freedom and liberty for the masses to be all they can be without restraints which chain their freedoms and liberties. From day one Sarah Palin was attacked relentlessly and those attacks have never ceased. Since the Tea Party came into being, the attacks have also been relentlessly. All I ask from Americans is this, ask yourself why the damnation on a person and a people who have done nothing except preach that the people are the cornerstones of this land we call America. Sarah and the Tea Party never brought down 2 towers, YET, they are hated more then the ones who did. This is not a political battle, this is a battle for the soul of America...!!!!!
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Great Blog! Love it! Thank you for typing my thoughts too.